Previous Episode: GBA Extra - The Spark

It's another episode of GBA Replayed which showcases some of the conversations recorded in the early years of Getting Better Acquainted.


In GBA 74 we get better acquainted with Mervyn who is still technically my Step Dad. He talks about growing up in Belfast during The Troubles, working in factories, teaching Physics in Dubai, teaching English in China, living in a tent on a roundabout and lots more.

This was a complicated conversation for me, for many reasons, and it moves from personal history to social and political analysis and back. A lot of ground is covered. It is also the first podcast I've recorded while drinking Guinness.

Mervyn doesn't plugs anything, but I mention a history of Genghis Kahn that I've been listening to.

That history is made by the excellent podcaster Dan Carlin as part of his Hardcore History show:

I plug:

Mansplaining Masculinity: The Book

What About the Men? Mansplaining Masculinity:

Down to a sunless sea: memories of my dad:

The Family Tree:

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