In part 2 of this two part GBA special we join my 93 year old dad on the second day of a two day trip to some of the places where he grew up. My dad had wanted to take this trip for a while and me and my little sister (technically my half sister) managed to arrange to take him in February 2017. My 12 year old niece is the last member of the team on this roadtrip adventure. In this episode we visit the Bristol Museum, Bristol Zoo and The Downs. My dad learns why he was attracted to the Museum as a child and how much the city has transformed since he moved through it as a little boy, and bumps into a Gorilla that he used to know. It also includes an interesting moment involving an icecream van, a lack of appropriate ice-cream options for a 12 year old with very specific ice-cream tastes and a spontaneous outburst of Italian. Day 2 of the journey takes us through time, space, memory, dementia, old age, love, family and the ways places and people change.

Next week will feature more podcast episodes than usual as I release some audio pieces that celebrate Getting Better Acquainted hitting 300 episodes.

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