Oh hey we’re still doing this? Yes. Here we are reviewing Buckethead’s Pikes 262-264 (Nib Y Nool, Glacier, and Poseidon), the guy from craigslist who goes into people’s septic tank, Spenser buys a small guitar, Goth Babe’s covid, Orange Hat Larry’s legendary customer service, Bucketfact’s love of Old Dirty Bastard, Britain is a communist (not joking), Spenser doesn’t know what a tankie is, what fiat currency tastes the worst?, workplace shootings, music videos aren’t as cool as they used to be, living in 3d chess, The Poseidon Adventure (2005), Lost in Space (1998), dirt and worms is one of the best desserts ever, a jerk-off challenge against the devil, FLAC rocks, where do you even buy frankincense and myrrh?, small accounts acting like they’re well-known and successful, a weird U2 guy who won’t stop bothering Spenser, and The Underground Comedy Movie (1999) starring Slash and the Shamwow guy. 

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