Oh boy Spirit of 76 or whatever! Here we are listening to and reviewing Buckethead's Pikes 226-228 (Happy Birthday MJ 23, Arcade of the Deserted, and The Creaking Stairs). We also talk about starting some Movie Commentary/Watchalongs, Goth 2 Boss, Blinged out Geek Squad Manager, Deadpool is the most cringe superhero to publicly enjoy, Goth Murder,  Buckethead and Travis Dickerson’s Thanatopsis, Spenser chooses Charles Barkley to make an album about, Britain inspires Spenser to have bad hyperbolic takes, did Jordan Vine die?, an Adult Toy Story, Get Loli, Q-pilled Bucketbots, Cyberpunk 2077, Keanu Reeves, The Naked Man (1999), and some Epic Ralph Battles about Mayhem and Bratz (2007). 

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