As an ecommerce marketer, there’s one truth you have to remember: consumers love coupons.

No matter what customer segment your business targets and how luxurious the products you sell, consumers can’t resist the opportunity to pay less for a product they want to buy.

In this episode, we're talking about coupon marketing:

What are the different types of coupons you can use? How to create a coupon? How to promote a coupon in your online store?

Tune in to hear answers to all these questions.

Want to read the text version of this episode?  Check the guide to coupon marketing on our blog.

You may also like: How to promote discount coupons on Shopify.

Guides to creating coupon codes for major e-commerce platforms:

Shopify: Creating discount codesBigCommerce: Using Coupon Codes & Creating Product Discount PromotionsWooCommerce: Coupon Management

Create beautiful email signup forms, coupon boxes, and pop-up surveys for your store with Getsitecontrol.