Dear face bookers, tweeters, readers, and fellow human beings, now that the holidays are over, and you begin to get back to normal. While you’re thinking about what to do differently, what your New Years resolution will be, consider just trying to be better, instead of making drastic changes rooted in shame and self dislike. […]

Dear face bookers, tweeters, readers, and fellow human beings, now that the holidays are over, and you begin to get back to normal. While you’re thinking about what to do differently, what your New Years resolution will be, consider just trying to be better, instead of making drastic changes rooted in shame and self dislike.

You might feel as though you over did it this holiday season. Everything about Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Years is an example of overdoing it. It’s ingrained in the celebrations of these three holidays.

Think about it. Thanksgiving you eat too much. Christmas you spend too much. …read more