Get Up Nation®! My name is Ben Biddick. I’m the Creator and Host of the Get Up Nation® Show and Co-Author of Get Up: The Art of Perseverance with former Major League Baseball player Adam Greenberg. Recently I had the honor and privilege of speaking with Mike Day. He’s the author of Perfectly Wounded: A Memoir About What Happens After a Miracle. Released June 9, 2020 Mike writes about his experience serving as a Navy Seal in Iraq’s Anbar Province. On April 6, 2007, Senior Chief Day was the first through the door where four terrorists were waiting in ambush. Mike was shot 27 times and hit with grenade shrapnel in that moment. He also killed the four terrorists, cleared the rest of the house, and rescued six women and children before walking out of the house by his own power. He was medevac’d to safety and began his profound journey of recovery. While being treated for his wounds, he lost 55 pounds in two weeks. It took nearly two years for his body to recover from his injuries although he still deals with significant pain. He was diagnosed with Post Traumatic Stress and Traumatic Brain Injury. It is my profound honor today to speak with this amazing man. Get Up Nation, please welcome Mike Day.
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The Get Up Nation® Show is brought to you in partnership with Veteran Owned Got Your Six Coffee! Learn more at (!
Most episodes of the Get Up Nation® Show are edited and mixed by Daniel Thabet! If you need podcast editing and mixing of the highest quality go to (
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Get Up Nation®! My name is Ben Biddick. I’m the Creator and Host of the Get Up Nation® Show and Co-Author of Get Up: The Art of Perseverance with former Major League Baseball player Adam Greenberg. Recently I had the honor and privilege of speaking with Mike Day. He’s the author of Perfectly Wounded: A Memoir About What Happens After a Miracle. Released June 9, 2020 Mike writes about his experience serving as a Navy Seal in Iraq’s Anbar Province. On April 6, 2007, Senior Chief Day was the first through the door where four terrorists were waiting in ambush. Mike was shot 27 times and hit with grenade shrapnel in that moment. He also killed the four terrorists, cleared the rest of the house, and rescued six women and children before walking out of the house by his own power. He was medevac’d to safety and began his profound journey of recovery. While being treated for his wounds, he lost 55 pounds in two weeks. It took nearly two years for his body to recover from his injuries although he still deals with significant pain. He was diagnosed with Post Traumatic Stress and Traumatic Brain Injury. It is my profound honor today to speak with this amazing man. Get Up Nation, please welcome Mike Day.

Buy Mike’s Book at

The Get Up Nation® Show is brought to you in partnership with Veteran Owned Got Your Six Coffee! Learn more at!

Most episodes of the Get Up Nation® Show are edited and mixed by Daniel Thabet! If you need podcast editing and mixing of the highest quality go to