Welcome to Get Up in the Cool: Old Time Music with Cameron DeWhitt and Friends. This week’s episode is very special to me; it’s my interview and jam with Carl Baron. My friend Stephen Landis, former and probably future guest of the show, taught me my first tunes, but Carl Baron hosted my first old time jam, and that’s when, for better or worse, my life took a turn. He’s another one of those people that I’ve spent a lot of time with and barely know, because we’re too busy playing tunes to talk. 
So I learned a lot about Carl in this interview, and not just through our verbal conversation. Before recording this episode, I mostly associated him with the chestnuts that are typically played at the mermaid inn jam in Germantown, Philadelphia. Playing one on one with Carl is a much different experience; his old time palette is very sophisticated and he draws from a deep well of musical knowledge and experience. And the man likes some quirky tunes. 
Tunes we play: 
Rickett’s Hornpipe
Black Cat in the Briar Patch
Little Rose
Old Christmas Morning
Yew Piney Mountain
Bonus Track: L&N Rag
Contact me to buy Carl's CD's: [email protected]
Support Get Up in the Cool on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/getupinthecool

Welcome to Get Up in the Cool: Old Time Music with Cameron DeWhitt and Friends. This week’s episode is very special to me; it’s my interview and jam with Carl Baron. My friend Stephen Landis, former and probably future guest of the show, taught me my first tunes, but Carl Baron hosted my first old time jam, and that’s when, for better or worse, my life took a turn. He’s another one of those people that I’ve spent a lot of time with and barely know, because we’re too busy playing tunes to talk. 

So I learned a lot about Carl in this interview, and not just through our verbal conversation. Before recording this episode, I mostly associated him with the chestnuts that are typically played at the mermaid inn jam in Germantown, Philadelphia. Playing one on one with Carl is a much different experience; his old time palette is very sophisticated and he draws from a deep well of musical knowledge and experience. And the man likes some quirky tunes. 

Tunes we play: 

Rickett’s Hornpipe

Black Cat in the Briar Patch

Little Rose

Old Christmas Morning

Yew Piney Mountain

Bonus Track: L&N Rag

Contact me to buy Carl's CD's: [email protected]

Support Get Up in the Cool on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/getupinthecool

Support Get Up in the Cool