Welcome to Get Up in the Cool: Old Time Music with Cameron DeWhitt and Friends! This week’s friend is Rachel Eddy! She wanted to talk about inclusivity and etiquette in Old Time sessions, which we sometimes touch on in this show, but Rachel approaches the topic with a lot more nuance and intention, and I really appreciated what she had to say! 
Support Get Up in the Cool on Patreon: http://patreon.com/getupinthecool/ 
Rachel’s website: http://www.racheleddymusic.com/ 
Ken and Brad’s new album, featuring Rachel: http://www.kenandbrad.com/store/ 
The Early May’s kickstarter: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1290206309/chase-the-sun-the-early-mays-new-cd?ref=project_link 

Welcome to Get Up in the Cool: Old Time Music with Cameron DeWhitt and Friends! This week’s friend is Rachel Eddy! She wanted to talk about inclusivity and etiquette in Old Time sessions, which we sometimes touch on in this show, but Rachel approaches the topic with a lot more nuance and intention, and I really appreciated what she had to say! 

Support Get Up in the Cool on Patreon: http://patreon.com/getupinthecool/ 

Rachel’s website: http://www.racheleddymusic.com/ 

Ken and Brad’s new album, featuring Rachel: http://www.kenandbrad.com/store/ 

The Early May’s kickstarter: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1290206309/chase-the-sun-the-early-mays-new-cd?ref=project_link 

Support Get Up in the Cool