Welcome to Get Up in the Cool! Old Time Music with Cameron DeWhitt and Friends. This week's friend is David Bass!
October is Get Up in the Cool month, which means I’m sharing my conversations and jams with all of Old Time’s heaviest hitters, and in exchange, I’m asking you, my listeners, to help me share the show on Facebook, rate the show on iTunes, and generally use all your collective influence to make Get Up in the Cool break the internet. Also, if the spirit moves you, please sign up to be a sustaining supporter of Get Up in the Cool on Patreon. If you sign up by the end of October, you’ll get a best of 2016 CD, and you’ll get to help me decide what’s on it.
Girls Rock NC's Fall Festival: https://www.facebook.com/events/554456188090352/
Jody Kruskal's Waiting for the Boatsman album: http://jodykruskal.com/buy_stuff.html
Support Get Up in the Cool on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/getupinthecool

Welcome to Get Up in the Cool! Old Time Music with Cameron DeWhitt and Friends. This week's friend is David Bass!

October is Get Up in the Cool month, which means I’m sharing my conversations and jams with all of Old Time’s heaviest hitters, and in exchange, I’m asking you, my listeners, to help me share the show on Facebook, rate the show on iTunes, and generally use all your collective influence to make Get Up in the Cool break the internet. Also, if the spirit moves you, please sign up to be a sustaining supporter of Get Up in the Cool on Patreon. If you sign up by the end of October, you’ll get a best of 2016 CD, and you’ll get to help me decide what’s on it.

Girls Rock NC's Fall Festival: https://www.facebook.com/events/554456188090352/

Jody Kruskal's Waiting for the Boatsman album: http://jodykruskal.com/buy_stuff.html

Support Get Up in the Cool on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/getupinthecool

Support Get Up in the Cool