Hey Get Unstuck Nation! Our guest today is an international business and life guide, Mel McSherry CEO of Better Than Before. She helps inspired but overwhelmed entrepreneurs honor their lives and become the architects of their own success.

(00:02:57)- How did you start on this entrepreneurial journey?
(00:06:33) - What is Human Design?
(00:07:48:) - Which one do you think usually comes first? What, why, and how? 
(00:08:48) - How can this Human Design help you create a profitable business? How can it be together?
(00:11:41) - Does this reading always change, or is it like a birth chart that would be permanent?
(00:16:36) - How can we help them find their daily operations to get things done?
(00:19:58) - But do you need to start by knowing why you want to do this first,  or is it just that I’m curious and I want to know more about myself? 
(00:22:06) - Do you have any transformation story that you can share from your clients?
(00:26:12) -Where can they reach you and your company?

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