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When darkness seems to swallow all light, where do we turn for a glimmer of hope? Janet Perez Eckles, author of "Now I See," joins me, Ron Myers, to recount her extraordinary journey—from the depths of betrayal and the challenge of blindness to a life of joy and purpose through unwavering faith in Jesus Christ. Her story, a beacon of hope for many, interweaves with my own experiences of finding solace and strength in Jesus during the most heart-wrenching moments, such as the loss of my beloved son, Joe.

The power of a transformed life takes center stage as we traverse Janet's path to spiritual awakening. From her hesitant steps into a Christian church to the restoration of her marriage and success as an interpreter, author, and speaker, her narrative highlights the life-altering impact of faith and grace. Together, we unpack the incredible strength found in daily communion with Jesus, encouraging listeners who may feel adrift or skeptical about their faith to discover the comfort and companionship of our ultimate confidant.

As the episode unfolds, we extend a heartfelt invitation to embrace the freedom and confidence that comes from understanding our identity in Christ—a theme that resonates with me personally. It's a clarion call to awaken to the power vested in us by God and to live confidently in the divine purpose charted for each of us. Join us on this mission to share real stories of resilience and hope, and remember to cherish the simple, everyday joys that weave the fabric of a life anchored in faith and community.

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