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[00:00:00] All right. Welcome, everybody. We're so glad you're with us again today. This is a great week for us, celebrating the other week leading up to Easter. And I'm so excited to have lady on the phone with me again today for our next session. I was calling you. Beatty Carmichael is the CEO of Master Grabber, the creator of Agent Dominator and one of the top marketing experts in the real estate field. Beatty, I'm super excited. I always look forward to our calls. What do you have for our listeners today?


[00:00:34] Well, today, Penny, we're going to do as we move into Easter. This will be coming out long after sometime long after Easter, probably. So at least now our listeners how long it is before from the time we do the call to the time they actually come out. But with that said, we're going to do a radical faith call for those who may be new on to our podcast.


[00:00:57] Radical Faith is where we diverge away from talking about real estate marketing and talk about what I believe is absolutely the most important thing, and that is our relationship with Christ. So if you don't have interest in that topic, you can go in and turn this episode off.


[00:01:14] Otherwise, I'd encourage you to listen and we're going to have a great discussion. This is a really cool topic that we're going to be talking about today. And Penny, would you like to guess what the topic is going to be?


[00:01:31] Well, if I think about what we've been discussing, I'm going to I'm going to generally guess something along the lines of the goodness of God.


[00:01:42] Well, that's a really broad statement, and I think it could definitely fit into that topic. The good thing you did. You did.


[00:01:51] I knew you aren't going to get to topic, by the way, for those who know how we do these on the radical face called Penny has no forewarning of what any of the topic is. So we call it a virgin call from that point. Right. So today, I want to talk about a matter of perspective, because I think especially right now, just to kind of log down where we are, no pun intended, log down. We're all down sheltered in place with a corona virus. This is this is technically mid April, pretty much right now. And most states have put a shelter in place. Law, you can't leave your house except for essential businesses. A lot of our real estate clients in some of their states, they've damed real estate non-essential. So it's been really tough. And the question is, how do we view what's going on? That's kind of a narrow focus. A broader focus of what I really want to talk about is as Christians, we're told to in Hebrews four 11, we're told to strive to enter into God's rest. We're told to rest in the Lord. And sometimes in our own phraseology, there is a I on a phrase that we'll use. And this is kind of the focus of what I want to talk about, which is how do you work from a position of rest? And have you ever heard that term working from a position of rest? Yes.


[00:03:30] Yes, I have. So in your estimation, what is that?


[00:03:38] It's working, but not using my strength or my will or my mindset or preconceived notions in order to accomplish that task. It's relying on my I can do it through me.


[00:03:56] It's realizing the Lord to do it through you. And what I want to do is I want to peel back the onion and really start peeling it back into a deeper and deeper layers and kind of show you at a deeper level. Working from a position of rest means what it looks like, how to begin to apply it to your life. Because as we work from a position of rest. I'm going to make a I'm going to make a statement that's going to sound a little far fetched, but I think by the time we get through this session, I'm going to be able to back it up and that working from a statement of a position of rest is always victorious. Think about this. A lot of times we work and we don't know if we're going to succeed, but when we work from a position of trust, it is always victorious. So let me start with our passage. I wanted to go through a quick overview real quickly, kind of give you a bird's eye view of the entire scope of what this whole concept of working from a position of breast is. And then I want to dig really deep into some scriptures that start to bring a lot more illumination to it. So let's turn real quickly to Hebrews three, verse 11. Hebrew. Because this is kind of where we start to see God's rest and I'll let you read it once you get there.


[00:05:23] All right. Hebrews three, verse 11. As I saw in my wrath, they shall not enter my raft, so they shall not enter my rest.


[00:05:33] So let me give you the backstory on this. This is pulled from the time of the exodus. This is when Moses said send out 12 spies to search out the promised land and check into it. And if you remember that God had been telling them, telling all of Israel, I'm leading you to the promised land. And in that promised land, it's going to be a land of milk and honey. It's going to be overflowing in abundance. You're going to live in houses you did not build. You're going to drink water from cisterns. You did not dig. You're going to eat grazed from vineyards that you did not plant. In other words, everything is going to be already fixed and ready for you. You remember that? Okay, then. So then Moses sent out spies into the land, 12 spies, one spy for each of the tribes of Israel. And what they wanted to do is go through, check out their land, see what's going on, and attest to the bountiful ness and abundance that was already there. The land was so fertile, if you remember. They cut a single stem of grapes and they had to carry it on a pole between two people because it was so full of grapes and so big and so heavy. This is the abundance of the land that the Lord has promised his children. So it's not just I'm going to give you a promise and your life is going to be a little bit better. The Lord sent them into this place of tremendous abundance, tremendous fruit, tremendous everything. And then do you remember what happened when those guys come back? I do not. Okay, so they give two reports, the first report is an abundant land. But do you remember the second report?


[00:07:34] I think it was that they saw giants in the land. That's right. The Giants were more than they could handle.


[00:07:41] That's right. So 10, 12 spies came back and gave a bad report that said, yes, it's abundant, but no, there's absolutely no way we can ever conquer. We were like grasshoppers in their eyes. And they gave a report from a man's perspective. The other two spies were a guy named Caleb and Joshua. They gave a report from God's perspective. And what do you think the difference between God's perspective versus man's perspective was?


[00:08:18] God's perspective was one of rest, not worry.


[00:08:23] That's right. One of rest not worry. One of, hey, we can conquer because the Lord is with us. The Lord has promised. Don't be afraid. Well, what happened is they became afraid. They believed the bad report, not the good report. And as a result, they became fearful and they would not move forward as a result. God says, well, we just read as I swore in my wrath. You will not enter my rest. And he makes them circle the mountain. All right. For now, this is about a year and a half into it, maybe two years. So he makes them circle that mountain for another 38 years. They were now in the wilderness. 40 years. One year for every day. The spies had gone out into the land. And God says those people who were afraid, who looked with their natural eye perspective. You will not enter my rest. Only those who have looked and looked from my perspective. That I'm gonna give you the land. You will enter my rest. And that's why Caleb and Josh were the only people of that generation that were actually able to cross into the promised land and enter into God's rest. So that's kind of the backstory. Does that make sense?


[00:09:44] Yes, it does. Okay, so now I want to give you kind of a synopsis of of taking it from there and talking a little bit more about what it means to work from a position of rest.


[00:09:57] And the key is it's work. It's not rest. Okay. So God's rest is not an attitude of cessation. Okay. It's technically it's an actual place. It's a place of abundance. Okay. But there is a there is a transition of going from the place where we are, which is a lack of abundance to the place where God has created for us that place of rest, which is abundance. And we see this in the micro and macro and the micro. We're always in a position of less abundance, moving towards God's promise of greater abundance, whether it's our spiritual life or any other part of our life. Does that make sense? Yes, it does. Okay. So it's happening as we speak. But then at the macro level, in the big scheme of things, we also see that the trajectory of our life is continuing to be, in God's rest, great abundance, ending with eternal life and being in the heavenly places and for ages to come, as it says in officiants. So what we see with this passage in Exodus is kind of an allegory of our life. And I wanted to peel back that onion a little bit for you. So when they entered the Promised Land, they did not rest physically. Do you remember what happened when they transitioned from the wilderness into the promised land? There's something that never occurred during the wilderness that now started to occur all the time. Do you remember what that might be?


[00:11:43] I feel like it was. They complained a lot and they felt like their needs weren't being met.


[00:11:50] Almost. Okay. So they complained before they crossed the Jordan River, once they crossed the Jordan River. Now they're actually engaging into the promised land.


[00:12:02] Something else occurred.


[00:12:05] It was led by the priests. That thing that occurred was war. Now they had to fight for the promised land that had been promised them. They had to fight to take over the possession that had already been given them. Does that make sense? Yes, it does. And so when we move in to our promised land, this whole lot just make sure you can hear me now, is that correct?


[00:12:34] Yes. I got one little crackle there, but we're good.


[00:12:37] Okay, good. So they had to start going into and they started moving into battle. I want to kind of speed this up. So what happened is in a very a very high level sense, Joshua goes and he leaves the charge. Josh Wood leads the charge. And when he's leading, he's coming at it from a perspective that God has already given them the land. Therefore, victory is assured. And therefore, when they went out to fight, they went with the perspective, we are winning because God has promised it.


[00:13:14] Does that make sense that day when Joshua did that? Do you think there was any unrest in his spirit? Oh, my gosh. I wonder how this battle is going to come out.


[00:13:28] I think for me personally, if I put myself in his shoes, if I came out with that kind of statement to the people that I was leading, then I would have no doubt I would have no fear.


[00:13:39] He's asking me to just say that he's likely right.


[00:13:43] So we could then say that he fought from a position of rest because his spirit was at rest in peace, because a victory was assured. Does that make sense? Okay, so now we're starting to see. Working from a position of rest means it means working from the perspective of what God has already promised. And therefore, you can be assured of the outcome. And it's no longer scary. Then what happened is after Joshua and the Elders died off, then everything changed. The perspective of the leaders changed.


[00:14:20] This is now it gets us into the period of the judges. And if you remember, the judge's life was miserable. They were being attacked on all sides. They would try to go in and take over more of the promised land and they would lose and be defeated all the time because they no longer work from a position of rest. They worked from a position of fear. They started to see with or naturalized rather than their spiritual lives. They looked at the natural enemy that they are facing rather than looking at it from God's perspective of seeing the victory is already won.


[00:14:54] And then we move down the line for a couple of hundred years, and then another man comes out and comes to the scene. And this guy named David. Do you remember anything about a guy named David?


[00:15:10] Yes. Okay. And so does God, where it says that David was a man after God's own heart. Okay, so David is actually a foreshadow of Christ.


[00:15:25] Think about this.


[00:15:28] David was not of the line of Aaron, but yet Aaron is the priestly line. But yet, David was a priest.


[00:15:38] He wore the E. He danced before the Lord. He prophesied he did all kinds of priestly things. He was also of the royal line. Juda. And he was a king. He was a royal priest. And Jesus was a royal priest. He was royalty. And he was our high priest. And we are now royal. So we see this this poor shattering, this type of Christ coming online. And what happened with David? Is he engaged in battle? He engaged the same way that Joshua did.


[00:16:18] The victory was certain. Now he had some fear and some Currentzis concerns. We see that through Psalms, especially as he's been attacked by Saul. But he goes out and in faith, from God's perspective of his promise. He goes out and engages in battle and he wins. And he then conquers the promised land that God had promised his son, Solomon. Then comes on board and enters into the rest of the land. So as David goes in to the land, there's war and unrest.


[00:16:55] But there's constant victory. Then as Solomon comes on line, the land is at complete rest. And now Sollom Solomon gets to focus on building up the temple. Whereas David did not have that opportunity. So that's kind of the big picture. Do you see this in the macro? Yes. Yes, I do. So what we really see with all of this is this. Working from a position of trust comes first and foremost by faith.


[00:17:28] And faith being that title deed of that which is promised.


[00:17:32] So when we're in our lives and we search the scriptures, we spend our time and the word and the Lord reveals certain promises to us and we can work with confidence towards those promises, knowing that victory is certain. Now, what we may not know is the timing. But we know that the certainty of victory is there. And that certainty of victory that starts to create that working from a position of rest. All this making sense. Yes, absolutely. So now let me share one more. I want to share an illustration, and now we're about to take a deep dive into the scriptures. This is just a real quick overview. Here's an illustration of working from a position of rest, which is the knowledge of the outcome versus working from a position of undress, which is seeing things in the natural. Have you ever watched a really tense movie? Were you on the edge of your seat and your heart pounding? Your adrenaline rushing? Almost all the way through the movie? Yes.


[00:18:38] I hate that feeling. I know. I know. I hate it, too. So what caused that feeling?


[00:18:47] Uncertainty, not knowing what was going to happen and not being able to control the outcome.


[00:18:54] That's exactly right. You're looking at it from the perspective of that character. And the music, dun, dun, dun, dun dun, he's he's going into this dark room and he turns a corner and, you know, there's someone there. Right. That's about it. Okay. Now, once you watch that movie, if you were to go back and watch it the next day. Are you this tent and sitting on the edge of your seat?


[00:19:22] No. Why not?


[00:19:24] Because I know it's going to happen. That's right. You know the outcome. That second time through. You're watching it from a position of rest.


[00:19:36] It doesn't even get your heart beat up. Why? Because the outcome is certain. And therefore, you know the certainty of each outcome that nothing's going to happen. You know, generally, if you remember well, you know, generally what's going to happen. But if you don't remember, well, you know, there's not a big deal.


[00:19:56] And therefore, you're sitting watching it from a position of Resh while the person next to you. This is their first time through. They're scared to death. Do you see the difference of perspective? Yes. Okay. That's our Christian life. We can either look at this from our eyes and be scared to death. Or we can look at it from God's eyes and be a total peace. Why do you think, looking at it from God's eyes, you're at total peace?


[00:20:30] Because she's not worried about anything, then I don't have the right to be either.


[00:20:34] That's right. So what I want to do now, I want to show you a couple other scriptures where this gets manifested and then we're going to take a real deep dive. You ready? I'm ready. Okay, let's turn to Hebrews 11, verse 17, 18 and 19.


[00:20:53] All right. 17, 18 and 19 by faith. Abraham, when he was tested, offered up Isaac and he who had received the promises was in the act of offering up his only son, of whom it was said through Isaac, shall your offspring be named? He considers that God was able even to raise him from the dead, from which. Figuratively speaking, he did receive him back.


[00:21:24] Very good. So here's what happened. Abraham was at complete rest when he offered Isaac up as a sacrifice. Think about this in our perspective. We're going through tough times. Maybe your job, your your livelihood has been cut off because right now the shelter in place or because of other things that come up later in your life or you have situations with relationship or situations with help or with something else. And. You're scared. When you're scared is because you look at it with your own natural eyes. But think about Abraham. His only promised son. This is the son of the promise. All of his descendants is going to be name through Isaac. All of this inheritance is going to go through Isaac. And now God has told him to do something stupid and crazy for a man's perspective. Abraham, I want you to sacrifice your son to me. Your your your love of your life, the sun. I've said this is all the promises are coming through this one person. Now I want you to kill him. Do you see the turmoil that could really be going on?


[00:22:49] I can't even imagine.


[00:22:51] I can't either. And yet. According to scripture, there is no mention in scripture that Abraham was concerned at all. Why was he not concerned? What does it say?


[00:23:07] It says that he considered that God was able even to raise him from the dead.


[00:23:13] That's right. In other words, his perspective was from God's promise. Rumor says by faith, righteousness was read into Abraham, the promise. Faith is believing God's word, basically in real simple terms. So his faith in God's promise told him that the current situation had no bearing on the long term outcome. And because he had no bearing on the long term outcome. And the reason had no bearing because God's promises cannot fail. And therefore, if they cannot fail, the long term outcome is still intact, then it doesn't matter what happens right now. This is why it says that he considered that God was able to even raise him from the dead. He was fully expecting to kill his son. Stand back. And his son would miraculously come back to life. How many of us, when the Lord tells us to do something and it doesn't make sense in the natural naturalise, we say complete disaster. How many of us? Panic and cause that's not what most of us for sure. If we're going to work from a position of rest.


[00:24:36] And another way to say it is we're going to work from the promise, not to the promise, we hit that in just a moment. But if we're going to work from this position of respite, from the promise, from God's perspective, we got to do what God says to without questioning because. God has a perspective, we don't all we have to do is plug into that perspective and sometimes we don't know the perspective, but we know his promise and therefore we can rely on the promises that make sense. Yes.


[00:25:07] Okay, let's look at one more passage and then we're going to really take a nice deep dive. This is going to be fun. Okay. Matthew eight. Matthew eight versus 23 through 26.


[00:25:21] Twenty three or twenty six of Matthew eight. When he got into the boat, his disciples followed him and behold, there arose a great storm on the sea so that the boat was being swamped by the waves. But he was asleep. And they went and Wolken saying, save us, Lord, we are perishing. And he said to them, Why are you afraid? Oh, you have little faith. Then he rose and rebuked the winds and the sea. And there was a great calm. And the men marveled saying, what sort of man is this? That even the winds and the sea obey him. Huh?


[00:26:01] Let me ask you a question. What do you think was the perspective of Jesus?


[00:26:07] Rest, he not only rest. He was so restful. He was asleep in the middle of the storm.


[00:26:15] Yeah, well, it was the perspective of the disciples.


[00:26:19] Fear, worry. And they mean. They take what they're doing with their natural eyes.


[00:26:26] They know what was going on with their natural eyes and Jesus had a spiritual perspective. Perspective.


[00:26:35] All right. So we could say that Jesus was operating from a position of arrest. The disciples were operating from a position of natural sight. We can also say position of breath is a position of faith. Faith is God's perspective. Natural side is man's perspective, and they are always opposing each other. This is where Romans, eight says that the flesh can never please God because it is always at enmity with God. This makes sense. All of this is on this matter perspective.


[00:27:15] Now, let's start looking at perspective from God's perspective. This is going to be really cool. Let me let me just mention one thing. Perspective.


[00:27:30] Is everything perspective determines the outcome. You have God's perspective. And that creates one outcome you have man's perspective. It creates another outcome. Now, this isn't 100 percent true, but this is, generally speaking, the pattern that God's laws operate in. And we see this with Peter walking on the water. If you remember, when he's walking on the water, his perspective was where?


[00:28:04] When he was walking on the water, at first, his eyes run Jesus.


[00:28:08] That's right. So his perspective was on God's word.


[00:28:14] And God's word had inherent with it. A truth and that truth was you come on the water and you'll walk on the water with me. Then he changed his perspective. And what happened when he changed his flight? Where did he put his perspective in what happened?


[00:28:33] He started looking at the ways around town. So I took his eyes off Jesus and started looking at the water and the waves. And he became careful. Then what have you been thinking?


[00:28:48] There you go. So he changed his perspective from God's perspective, working from a position of rest to man's perspective, working from a position of natural sight, and by changing the perspective. The outcome was changed as well.


[00:29:06] Pretty cool. So now let's dig deep. So let's look at since everything focuses around God's perspective.


[00:29:12] Now let's look into what is God's perspective. This is going to be really cool. Let's look at a number of passages. Let's start with Revelation 13. Revelation 13. Eight.


[00:29:27] Revelation 13, verse eight says to all who dwell on earth will worship it. Everyone whose name has not been written before, the foundation of the world in the Book of Life of the Lamb who was slain.


[00:29:46] Let me also modify that translation just a little bit, I think this may be an I.V. I don't recall the same passage. Slight different translation that articulates a truth that is a little bit clearer. All inhabitants of the earth will worship the beast, all whose names have not been written in the Lamb's Book of life. The Lamb who was slain from the found from the creation of the world. To God's perspective, is this from the foundation of the world? The lamb was already slain.


[00:30:26] That promise manifestation.


[00:30:31] That was to come at a minimum 4000 years later, depending on how you look at the age of the Earth, 4000 years or 40 million, it doesn't matter. God's faith says the lamb was already slain. Long before the lamb was slain in the natural, does that make sense? That's the perspective of God. Let's look at this. Go to Ephesians one versus four and five.


[00:31:00] Okay.


[00:31:01] All right, effusions one, verse four and five. Even as he shows us in him before the foundation of the world that we should be holy and blameless before him in love, he predestined us for adoption to himself as son through Jesus Christ, according to the purpose of his will from the foundation of the world.


[00:31:23] This is God's perspective from the foundation of the world.


[00:31:27] You were already chosen in Christ.


[00:31:33] Let's look at another Hebrews for three.


[00:31:39] All right. Hebrews four, verse three. For he who have believed for his who have believed entered that risk and as he said, as I swore in my RAF, they shall not enter my risk. All those his works were finished from the foundation of the world.


[00:32:01] So from the foundation of the world, God's perspective, all of his work had already been finished. Do you think this could be the work of Moses leading his people out of Egypt? Be. This could be the work of Christ on the cross. Yes. I think this could be the work that he's called us to do. Yes, it could. Yes, it could be all the works were finished before the foundation of the world. Let's look at Matthew 25 34.


[00:32:35] All right. Matthew, 25 versus 34. Says then the king will say to those on his right come you who are blessed by my father, inherit the kingdom, prepared for you from the foundation of the world.


[00:32:52] There we have it again. God's perspective is from the foundation of the world before it was created. The kingdom was already prepared for us.


[00:33:05] Let's look at one more Isaiah 46 versus nine and 10.


[00:33:13] Okay. All right, Isaiah 46 six, verse nine and 10. Remember the former things of old. For I am God. And there is no other. I am God. And there is none like me declaring the end from the beginning, from ancient times, things not yet done, saying my counsel shall stand. And I will accomplish all my purpose.


[00:33:37] So from God's perspective. From the foundation of the world. N had already been declared and finished. Before it began. What does this tell you about God's perspective?


[00:33:56] It's way bigger than our way, bigger than ours, right?


[00:34:02] So God's perspective is what faith looks like. Would you agree?


[00:34:07] Yes.


[00:34:10] From God's perspective. Before the foundation of the world, everything had already been finished. From God's perspective, think about in this way. God's perspective is things are truth, even when they have not manifested in the natural. Remember, we talked a while back on believe that you have received what you've asked for and then it shall be granted, you are from God's perspective. It's already been done. Now, this is not a name it and claim it. This is a name it and be it, as a friend of mine shared, name it and claim it as a perspective that says I'm naming something. I do not have. But name it and be it is a perspective of knowing what I already have. As a promise from God. But God's word is already said, and I am simply walking and living this out until it's manifested in my life. Do you see the difference between that? Yes, I do. So this working from a position of rest. It says God works six days and rested on the seventh, says that all of his works were finished. Working from a position of rest is. It's been done. It's finished. The outcome is assured. All I have to do is walk in faith for that outcome to be manifested in my life. This is why this story, Peter, is so important to others. But Peter's the clearest example, walking and working in reste. Gets one outcome, walking and working in fear gets another outcome. The outcome is assured as long as we operate and walk and faith. The outcome is not assured. If we ignore. God's perspective ignored trusting him and tried to do it on her own. Is this helping? Yes, absolutely. Okay, so then let's look at faith and the perspective of God a little bit more. Let's return real quickly. Foundational principles of faith. Romans, 10 17. Can you quoted or.


[00:36:49] You remember from from hearing by and hearing by what, by receiving the word of Christ. Yes. Sense 17. I get to change because I've got I've got my outline in front of me comes from hearing and hearing through the word of Christ.


[00:37:16] That's right. Through the word of Christ. What is the word of Christ?


[00:37:22] The Bible. A little bit more. Everything that he said a little bit more.


[00:37:30] Oh, gosh. So let's talk on it this way. Will pull it off from John in the beginning was the word, the word and the word was with God and the word was God.


[00:37:48] So here we have in the beginning was the word. The word was with God. And the word was God and faith comes from hearing by the word of Christ, which is God himself. And John, 17, it says thy word is truth and where we come back to truth.


[00:38:10] God's perspective is one of truth and truth manifests itself in a natural way and acted on by faith. So we see kind of this circular. Faith comes from hearing by the word of Christ, which is God's truth, which is God himself. Faith is the perspective of God. And then we now faith is let's define a little bit different. It is the perspective of God. But what is God's perspective? Hebrews 11 one. You want to pull up Hebrews?


[00:38:46] Pull that up, because I do not that one off the top of my head.


[00:38:50] You actually did? No, it's just a matter of recalling this specific one.


[00:38:53] Yes, you're right. You're right. Now, faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen.


[00:39:02] So it is the assurance of things hoped for. In Bible terms, hope for is an assured promise. It is not what we do, which is a variable that we're not sure. I hope it doesn't rain while I'm out here on my deck. Now, it is a hope, but that's not what the Bible talks about. The assurance of things, hope for the conviction of things not seen is the absolute certainty of what it is. And it's an absolute certainty because it is God's truth. Faith comes from hearing and hearing God's truth, the word of Christ. Another pass, another translation says that faith is the title deed of what has been promised. Even though we do not see it yet, we've got the title deed. So I want you to envision for a moment King David. He's out there fighting these battles. And I want you to picture this little caricature of King David. He's got a sword in one hand leading his army, charging in his other hand. He's got a crumpled up title deed that says the promised land is ours. This victory is mine. He's charging into battle, holding faith by one hand, holding the sword. And the other hand, because that faith, that title deed gives him the assurance of victory makes sense. Yes, that is working from a position of rest. Fighting for victory from a position of rest. It is working from from the promise. He's carrying the promise with him. And he's going into battle. The outcome is certain, those particular path of the battle.


[00:40:58] How many of his men he may lose? What's going to happen at any given moment? Those things are uncertain, but the outcome is guaranteed because it is the truth of God. So faith is when you look at things from God's perspective, not man's perspective. When you look at it from the promise, not to the promise. There's a number of different types of faith mentioned in scripture. I'm just going to kind of throw these out, see if this rings a bell by faith of faith through faith in faith. You remember those kind of passages used throughout scripture. So if faith comes from hearing the word of Christ is faith, therefore is the word of Christ. Faith, therefore, is Christ himself. And what we can translate with these is faith is Jesus, then it's by Jesus of Jesus, through Jesus. And Jesus. In other words, when we operate in faith, we're operating. In Christ, from Christ. And it's literally and technically Christ operating through us. We're abiding in him. He's abiding in us. We do nothing. He does it all. It's him living through us. What is it, Galatians? Three, two, twenty three. Twenty one of those. I'm crucified with Christ and is no longer I who live but Christ who lives in me and through me. Okay, so that's kind of this perspective. So now I want to come back and I want to bring another perspective and kind of tie this together. We're almost finished, by the way. Is this exciting so far? Is this interesting?


[00:42:58] Yes. Love it. I love it.


[00:43:01] Okay, so now I want to talk about an old covenant versus new covenant. Old Covenant is the covenant given to Abraham, and that includes the law, the new covenant. The law has been fulfilled in us. The law is still in us. That's what Romans says. But the rightest requirements of the law have been fulfilled. Those of us in Christ. So the law is still present, but it's now fulfilled. But the covenant is a little bit. I want to I want to shift the focus of the covenant from the law to the promise of the fulfillment of that. So let's talk about the old covenant. First time with me to Hebrews 11, verse 13. So this is the Hall of Fame. Faith, the Hall of Fame. And this is a statement put in between as it kind of wraps up. What's going on in Hebrews 11 13?


[00:44:04] These all died in faith, not having received the things promised. But having seen them and greeted them from afar and having acknowledged that they were strangers and exiles on the years.


[00:44:18] Okay, so in the old covenant says that they were looking towards the promise, not from the promise, they were working towards the promise, the promise of the Messiah and of sonship being brought into the kingdom. Does that make sense? Yeah. Everything they did was from the outside looking in outside of the promise, looking into the problems. Now, let's contrast that with the new covenant and the new covenant. Let's go to Hebrews 11, first, 39 and 40.


[00:44:56] All right, 39 and 40 and all these, though commended through their faith, did not receive what was promised and God had provided something better for us. That apart from us, they should not be made perfect.


[00:45:11] So now this is basically saying the promise is ours.


[00:45:15] And apart from us, they were actually looking forward to us because we're the holder of the promise. So now, as the possessor of the promise, our perspective changes. We now are looking from inside a promise out rather than from them looking outside in where we work from. The promise they worked towards the promise is the same. Yes. Okay. Let's look at one more passage, Matthew, 28, verse 27 and 28.


[00:45:53] All right. Twenty eight. All right. 27, 28. Wait, are we sure we don't have a verse 27 in chapter 28?


[00:46:07] That's a start. It may be 26, but it starts and he took a cup and when he had given thanks. Here we found it. And he took the cup.


[00:46:18] And when he had given thanks, he gave it to them saying, drink it, all of you. This is my blood. The Covenant, which is poured out from many for their forgiveness. That's all right.


[00:46:30] Now, tell me the reference on that verse, if you would.


[00:46:34] The verses were right, but it's chapter 26, 26.


[00:46:38] That's where it was. Okay. So here's where he's going. And there's a word that sometimes you use and sometimes not. I'm going to use it here.


[00:46:48] Same drink of it, all of you. This is my blood. The new covenant, which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sin. So now we had the inauguration of the New Covenant. We had the old covenant, the new covenant.


[00:47:02] We are to drink the blood of the cup and drink the cup, which is his blood. And that inaugurates the new covenant as we're abiding in the promise we're now operating from the promise because now the new covenant is in us, in the old covenant. They were looking towards a promise with us. We're looking from the promise. Making sense.


[00:47:29] Yes, absolutely.


[00:47:31] Yes. Okay, so the old covenant operates from an outside perspective, looking in the new covenant operates from an inside perspective, looking out. And we're going to take the same pattern in terms of how we operate and work. But I want to show you one more verse. Go to Matthew 17, verse 20.


[00:47:53] All right.


[00:47:53] Verse 20.


[00:47:55] He said to them, because of your little faith. Truly, I say to you, if you have faith like a grain of mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, move from here to there and it will move and nothing will be impossible for you.


[00:48:11] All right, great. So this faith to Jesus is talking about. It is only possible when you're operating from inside the promise, from inside Christ, because if you're going to move a mountain.


[00:48:27] Now, this could be metaphorically backup. So mountains and scripture are pretty much government governmental authorities. They just asked him why could we not cast out this demon? Jesus says because of the littleness of your faith, the littleness of the perspective of God operating through you. This is a governmental authority that takes a lot more faith than what you try to operate in. That's basically kind of one way that we could interpret this. But he's using metaphorically a mountain. He's on. They just come down from mount to transfiguration. Okay, so you just come down from this mountain. So he's probably talking about that mountain. They just went up to a high mountain, it said prior.


[00:49:20] And so you said if you have faith like the grain of a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, move from here to there and they'll move and nothing will be impossible. For you, that faith is only when you have the faith of Christ. Not the safe looking towards Christ. Does that make sense? Yes.


[00:49:45] Yes. This is kind of the old test, some old covenant versus new covenant. Old covenant. Look towards the promise. Through Man-Sized with a little bit of faith. New Covenant. Is the reality of working from the premise now kind of wrapping this back up to where I started the idea of working from a position of rest. Is working from the promise.


[00:50:16] Not to the promise it's working from inside.


[00:50:22] Looking out as opposed outside, looking in, maybe an easy way to try to understand this is imagine a really tall brick wall. And on the wall is running north south on the east side of the wall is this promise. This promise is whatever the promise may be in your life. It could be a new car. They could be victory in business. It could be health, it could be anything. It could be all kinds of different things. On the east side is a promise.


[00:51:00] On the west side of the wall is where you stand. On the west side of the wall. You cannot see the promise. Does that make sense? When we operate in the natural when we operate by our natural allies, all we see is a wall.


[00:51:23] And we have no idea what's on the other side. We work and we work and we work. And we're scared to death because we don't know what's going to happen. We pray and we plead with the Lord. Save me. Help me. Please do this, because we don't know what's going to happen, because our perspective is not God's perspective.


[00:51:47] From our perspective, this man's perspective, that is not working from a position of rest. It's working from a position of site and unrest and fear and fear. Exactly. Because site creates fear. Natural site creates fear. Because natural site, when in the presence of God's promise, natural site is always contrary to God's promise because it's all the flesh. God's promises are the spirit.


[00:52:20] So when we work from a position of rest, it's as if we walk around that brick wall and now we're on the east side and we see. The promise that God has given us and now we believe it, we're looking at it now with our Spiritualized. And we believe that as certainty, faith is the certainty of hope for is the title of doubt which has been promised.


[00:52:48] And now when we work, we work diligently towards it. But we have no fear that we will not achieve it.


[00:52:59] We know the outcome is certain. We know the victory of that promise is ours because it is. And God's word, God's word spoken to us, limited to us. Impress upon us. However he communicates. But that is the difference between working towards the promise, hoping in human terms, hoping that is going to become true versus working from the promise. It's already true. And now I'm simply doing the necessary labor for it to then be manifested in my life. Does that make sense? Yeah, it does. That's what it looks like. To be seated in Christ. Be rooted in Christ, be rooted in his word, having the certainty of his word and his promise in our life and therefore moving forward with no fear. Can I share a little personal testimony on this? Absolutely. I've been in business since 1997.


[00:54:11] I've had some great ups and some great downs. One period time almost went bankrupt. And what's interesting is even the times where I was afraid, I always trusted the Lord. But I was still afraid you'd say this with David. He trusts the Lord. But when you read through Psalms, you see the fear come out. But every time the fear comes out, the psalm always ends with. And I trust in the Lord and he brings me victory is likely through writing the song. He comes back into God's perspective. You see him shift from that perspective to God's perspective. Well, I was during this period of time. And the Lord gave me a passage and the passage said, you will never suffer famine again among the nations because at that time we were in a famine financially and we were about to die financially. And ever since he gave me that passage, I'd been like Superman. I fear nothing. Shoot me up if you want to. They're just going to bounce off me. Why? Because I have the promise from God. And so it doesn't matter what situation we come into.


[00:55:25] I know we're not going to lose anything. I don't have to worry about losing the house. I don't have to worry about not having food. I don't even have to worry about. I've got my youngest child is in college right now. I don't even have to worry about how to pay the college bills because the promises will never suffer famine. Now, I've got a lot of other promises of a lot more abundance. But the simple promise was that now remembering one of my business groups, one of the ladies is a group called Vistage, business owners and business people that made work through different, different things. And one folks and one ladies in my group had asked the question because they've seen me over the years up and down, up and down. But always with the big dream, always with the certainty of victory. Always pressing forward. Always upbeat, regardless of what financials might say at the moment. Her question is, how do you do it? How do you keep your attitude so positive and keep going in the presence of all of the what we see as all the setbacks?


[00:56:42] And as I was contemplating that answer, you know, the answer is because I've been promised. We'll never suffer famine again. Never is, never. And it's a promise from God. And I can't tell you how incredible it is to operate from that position because it means I never have to fear. I don't. I don't take it on presumption. I work hard. I never have to worry about the outcome. Does that make sense?


[00:57:14] Absolutely. Yes.


[00:57:16] And that's what this is all about. That's what this is all about. That's working from the promise.


[00:57:23] Beatty, I was thinking of the verse and Hebrews Chapter 11 talked about without faith, it's impossible to please God. It goes on to say, because those who come to the father must believe that he exists and he rewards those who earnestly seek can. And that that verse kept popping up in my mind while you were sharing that testimony. It is that faith. It's your faith that you've had that where you have been able to see the promise. And I love that that's such a good thing.


[00:58:00] I'm so glad you brought that up, because I love that verse on the cutting table thinking it didn't really need to apply here at all.


[00:58:12] The lies at all. I love it. That's awesome.


[00:58:15] Yes, it does. Well, we got to close up. But do you have any final thoughts or comments before you wrap up?


[00:58:21] I don't. I just love the perspective today, and I hope our listeners are able to grasp that as well. Just knowing, like you said, that we do have that promise. And when we grab ahold of it and we see it with faith, knowing that God's giving it to us, that we can operate and rest and not in fear, no matter what's going on in the natural. And I think that's the key is is seeking the Lord, keeping our eyes fixed on the Lord and not letting our vision wander to the natural to what's going on around us, the waves and the wind. Easier said than done, but it can be done.


[00:58:59] I want to make one comment on this as to our real estate friends out there.


[00:59:04] When this Corona vase hit and people started going and shelter in place. I saw so much fear among so many of our clients and clients who follow the Lord. But they operated in fear.


[00:59:23] And I'd like to just speak to you guys for a quick moment. Stop looking at things in the natural. You've got to look at it from God's perspective, what God's word has shared with you and what he has illumined to you and hold that promise, because without faith, is it impossible to please them. And it's only by faith that you get the promise of faith. When you add by fear, you get the consequence of fear. And so it becomes says in the natural what we call a self-fulfilling prophecy. You can speak to words of fear. And it evaporates. The miracle of faith. And just like Peter, you can think and say. You see, I knew it was going to happen. No, you spoke it into existence. You take God's word and you focus on God's word and you speak God's word and you believe God's word because it is the word of God and it is truth. And by doing that action, God says, I am well pleased with you. Here's the promise that I've given you by faith and that your faith has now brought to bear. So do not fear. So focus on God's word. All right.


[01:00:53] That's awesome. All righty. This was great. Thank you so much. I agree with that. I want to encourage our real estate friends as well just to stay the course. Keep your eyes on the prize and keep your focus on the Lord. Don't allow other things around you to dictate what you're feeling and concerned about. You have nothing to fear when your eyes are on the Lord. So this was a great call today. Super excited. And we bless you all. Thank you so much for listening. And we're excited to be with you again very soon.


[01:01:26] Hey, man, you all be blessed.
