Justine Altman joins us today as we’re digging into why addressing constipation matters if you are TTC.

I remember going away on a girl's weekend (remember those!?!) and somehow we got around to the topic of poop!

Well, it turns out half of the girls on the trip weren’t pooping regularly…as in they were going every couple of days or some even going only once per week!

Now I’ve always been regular (I know TMI) but it turns out we all need to poop an average of 1-3 times/day. I know it sounds like a lot!

But when we don’t move our bowels regularly – toxins recirculate in our body and that is not helpful for our fertility.

If you are constipated or even if you suffer from gas, bloating, digestive upset, and more let’s figure out how we can alleviate your symptoms so that you can get pregnant naturally.

In this episode you'll learn:

1) The connection between estrogen and constipation and what this means for your fertility (this is for you if you have PMS, hot flashes, headaches, and more).

2) The idea of bowel frequency and what our poop is telling us about our health. (Hint don’t be afraid to look at your poop).

3) The connection between constipation and thyroid problems. Plus how chronic stress impacts constipation.

4) Strategies to improve constipation plus foods to avoid and add to your diet.

5) Supplement recommendations to help alleviate symptoms so that you can prepare your body for pregnancy.


TIMESTAMPS:   04:32- INTRO TO TODAY'S TOPIC AND JUSTINE'S BIO 05:50- ALARMING STATS CONCERNING CONSTIPATION 06:29- WHY IS LOOKING AT CONSTIPATION IMPORTANT FOR FERTILITY? What causes constipation (and why it's a concern) It's common, but it's not NORMAL An important topic for BOTH men and woman 09:05- FREQUENCY AND WHAT WE SHOULD BE LOOKING FOR The ideal schedule for going to the bathroom Warning signs to know if "something is off" How long should your poop be? What should it look like? Why even if you are going often doesn't mean everything is ok 12:39- CHRONIC CONSTIPATION VS. "EVERY ONCE IN AWHILE" 14:25- THYROID ISSUES AND ITS' TIE TO CONSTIPATION "When there is an issue of the thyroid, it's rarely about the thyroid." "Everything is connected." 17:19- GUT INFECTIONS AND CONSTIPATION The difference between healthy and unhealthy flora Why constipation is one of the first things we have to look at when healing the gut 19:58 MAGNESIUM DEFICIENCY AND CONSTIPATION How COMMON magnesium deficiency?  "Magnesium is a goofy thing." So how much do you really need? 22:02- MIND/BODY IMPLICATIONS OF CONSTIPATION "If your mind is tense we tend to tense our bowels." Making space for the potty and being intentional Why use a squatty potty? Which one should we use? Rebounding and dry brushing for constipation "All of it is connected." 27:40- OTHER SOLUTIONS TO ADDRESS CONSTIPATION Why we should take our time while eating and chew every bite Drinking more water eating fiber The digestive process and what that means for constipation The rest and digest mindset (and why it matters) Breathing exercises before you eat 33:25- VAGUS NERVE STIMULATION Different ways to stimulate your vagus nerve (and why you should!) 35:10- FOODS TO AVOID TO HELP WITH CONSTIPATION Dried fruits, dairy, nuts, and other foods to be cautious of. 37:25- COLONICS, ENEMAS, and MINERAL LEVELS What are they and should we use them? Mineral levels and constipation 40:17- SUPPLEMENT RECOMMENDATIONS Magnesium supplement recommendations  What about powdered supplements? Why aloe vera is important and how it can help Salt shots and why we sometimes want to raise sodium  47:14- FINAL THOUGHTS ON CONSTIPATION "It's really hard to heal if we reabsorb toxins." Why we address constipation FIRST  


Book your Free Supercharge Your Fertility Discovery Call here: https://intakeq.com/booking/cZ7XW6


As you may know, I was diagnosed with POF/POI at 28 and had both my children with donor eggs. Years later I discovered the root cause of my infertility was food sensitivity, gut infection, and chronic stress.   I know that what you place on your fork every day does matter for your fertility - it's the first place we start with our Fab Fertile Method.   Starting Monday, Jan 11th I'll be hosting the Fertility Diet Challenge LIVE in the Fab Fertile Support Group.   The Fertility Diet Challenge is about taking ACTION with your partner. You'll be eligible for prizes, personalized support from my team, and insight into how diet is impacting your health/fertility.   Join the free Fertility Diet Challenge here>>>>>https://www.fertilitydietfreebie.com/  


Got questions?  Join the Fab Fertile Support Group for motivation, support, and education so that you can prepare for pregnancy success.



Connect with Sarah on social media and learn more about functional fertility solutions that will help you have your baby.

Instagram:  https://www.instagram.com/fabfertile/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/sesacoaching/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/fabfertile Linkedin:  https://www.linkedin.com/in/sarahclarkfertilitycoach/   ---   HELP SUPPORT THE SHOW!   Love the show?  You’ll really love Sarah’s resources page - filled with handpicked products/books/devices - get exclusive discounts and support the show by making purchases SHOP here: https://fabfertile.com/resources/     Other ways to support:   Apple podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/get-pregnant-naturally/id1329414094   Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/36NoCIuODqlo3bQcVDOO02   Stitcher: https://www.stitcher.com/podcast/sarah-clark/get-pregnant-naturally   Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC97zsClWDEbgmECB6uLUuiA   Player FM: https://player.fm/series/get-pregnant-naturally   Listen Notes: https://www.listennotes.com/podcasts/get-pregnant-naturally-sarah-clark-82DYJtZnFAa/   Podbean: https://www.podbean.com/podcast-detail/usiv9-629c6/Get-Pregnant-Naturally-Podcast   iHeart Radio: https://www.iheart.com/podcast/256-get-pregnant-naturally-30947830/   LEAVE APPLE PODCAST REVIEW: http://bit.ly/getpregnantreview   SHARE:  Spread the word! Tell someone else about the show!  Together we are strong.    Related episodes:   Functional Medicine 101 - https://www.fabfertile.com/blog/functional-medicine-101-and-your-fertility/   Why Stool Testing Is Essential During Infertility - https://www.fabfertile.com/blog/why-stool-testing-is-essential-during-infertility-2/   What Is A Food Sensitivity Test And Is It Worth It - https://www.fabfertile.com/blog/what-is-a-food-sensitivity-test-and-is-it-worth-it/

Justine Altman joins us today as we’re digging into why addressing constipation matters if you are TTC.

I remember going away on a girl's weekend (remember those!?!) and somehow we got around to the topic of poop!

Well, it turns out half of the girls on the trip weren’t pooping regularly…as in they were going every couple of days or some even going only once per week!

Now I’ve always been regular (I know TMI) but it turns out we all need to poop an average of 1-3 times/day. I know it sounds like a lot!

But when we don’t move our bowels regularly – toxins recirculate in our body and that is not helpful for our fertility.

If you are constipated or even if you suffer from gas, bloating, digestive upset, and more let’s figure out how we can alleviate your symptoms so that you can get pregnant naturally.

In this episode you'll learn:

1) The connection between estrogen and constipation and what this means for your fertility (this is for you if you have PMS, hot flashes, headaches, and more).

2) The idea of bowel frequency and what our poop is telling us about our health. (Hint don’t be afraid to look at your poop).

3) The connection between constipation and thyroid problems. Plus how chronic stress impacts constipation.

4) Strategies to improve constipation plus foods to avoid and add to your diet.

5) Supplement recommendations to help alleviate symptoms so that you can prepare your body for pregnancy.


TIMESTAMPS:   04:32- INTRO TO TODAY'S TOPIC AND JUSTINE'S BIO 05:50- ALARMING STATS CONCERNING CONSTIPATION 06:29- WHY IS LOOKING AT CONSTIPATION IMPORTANT FOR FERTILITY? What causes constipation (and why it's a concern) It's common, but it's not NORMAL An important topic for BOTH men and woman 09:05- FREQUENCY AND WHAT WE SHOULD BE LOOKING FOR The ideal schedule for going to the bathroom Warning signs to know if "something is off" How long should your poop be? What should it look like? Why even if you are going often doesn't mean everything is ok 12:39- CHRONIC CONSTIPATION VS. "EVERY ONCE IN AWHILE" 14:25- THYROID ISSUES AND ITS' TIE TO CONSTIPATION "When there is an issue of the thyroid, it's rarely about the thyroid." "Everything is connected." 17:19- GUT INFECTIONS AND CONSTIPATION The difference between healthy and unhealthy flora Why constipation is one of the first things we have to look at when healing the gut 19:58 MAGNESIUM DEFICIENCY AND CONSTIPATION How COMMON magnesium deficiency?  "Magnesium is a goofy thing." So how much do you really need? 22:02- MIND/BODY IMPLICATIONS OF CONSTIPATION "If your mind is tense we tend to tense our bowels." Making space for the potty and being intentional Why use a squatty potty? Which one should we use? Rebounding and dry brushing for constipation "All of it is connected." 27:40- OTHER SOLUTIONS TO ADDRESS CONSTIPATION Why we should take our time while eating and chew every bite Drinking more water eating fiber The digestive process and what that means for constipation The rest and digest mindset (and why it matters) Breathing exercises before you eat 33:25- VAGUS NERVE STIMULATION Different ways to stimulate your vagus nerve (and why you should!) 35:10- FOODS TO AVOID TO HELP WITH CONSTIPATION Dried fruits, dairy, nuts, and other foods to be cautious of. 37:25- COLONICS, ENEMAS, and MINERAL LEVELS What are they and should we use them? Mineral levels and constipation 40:17- SUPPLEMENT RECOMMENDATIONS Magnesium supplement recommendations  What about powdered supplements? Why aloe vera is important and how it can help Salt shots and why we sometimes want to raise sodium  47:14- FINAL THOUGHTS ON CONSTIPATION "It's really hard to heal if we reabsorb toxins." Why we address constipation FIRST  


Book your Free Supercharge Your Fertility Discovery Call here: https://intakeq.com/booking/cZ7XW6


As you may know, I was diagnosed with POF/POI at 28 and had both my children with donor eggs. Years later I discovered the root cause of my infertility was food sensitivity, gut infection, and chronic stress.   I know that what you place on your fork every day does matter for your fertility - it's the first place we start with our Fab Fertile Method.   Starting Monday, Jan 11th I'll be hosting the Fertility Diet Challenge LIVE in the Fab Fertile Support Group.   The Fertility Diet Challenge is about taking ACTION with your partner. You'll be eligible for prizes, personalized support from my team, and insight into how diet is impacting your health/fertility.   Join the free Fertility Diet Challenge here>>>>>https://www.fertilitydietfreebie.com/  


Got questions?  Join the Fab Fertile Support Group for motivation, support, and education so that you can prepare for pregnancy success.



Connect with Sarah on social media and learn more about functional fertility solutions that will help you have your baby.

Instagram:  https://www.instagram.com/fabfertile/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/sesacoaching/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/fabfertile Linkedin:  https://www.linkedin.com/in/sarahclarkfertilitycoach/   ---   HELP SUPPORT THE SHOW!   Love the show?  You’ll really love Sarah’s resources page - filled with handpicked products/books/devices - get exclusive discounts and support the show by making purchases SHOP here: https://fabfertile.com/resources/     Other ways to support:   Apple podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/get-pregnant-naturally/id1329414094   Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/36NoCIuODqlo3bQcVDOO02   Stitcher: https://www.stitcher.com/podcast/sarah-clark/get-pregnant-naturally   Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC97zsClWDEbgmECB6uLUuiA   Player FM: https://player.fm/series/get-pregnant-naturally   Listen Notes: https://www.listennotes.com/podcasts/get-pregnant-naturally-sarah-clark-82DYJtZnFAa/   Podbean: https://www.podbean.com/podcast-detail/usiv9-629c6/Get-Pregnant-Naturally-Podcast   iHeart Radio: https://www.iheart.com/podcast/256-get-pregnant-naturally-30947830/   LEAVE APPLE PODCAST REVIEW: http://bit.ly/getpregnantreview   SHARE:  Spread the word! Tell someone else about the show!  Together we are strong.    Related episodes:   Functional Medicine 101 - https://www.fabfertile.com/blog/functional-medicine-101-and-your-fertility/   Why Stool Testing Is Essential During Infertility - https://www.fabfertile.com/blog/why-stool-testing-is-essential-during-infertility-2/   What Is A Food Sensitivity Test And Is It Worth It - https://www.fabfertile.com/blog/what-is-a-food-sensitivity-test-and-is-it-worth-it/

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