How often do you draw inspiration from totally different industry to get fresh & unique perspectives?

Recently, whilst strolling through the streets of London, I found myself deeply immersed in an audiobook that did precisely that for me.

So I totally recommend you devour Will Guidara’s book, ‘Unreasonable Hospitality’, as I firmly believe you’ll find some golden nuggets inside that will bring to life subtle yet impactful ways you can WOW your clients even more.

In this podcast episode, I share my key take aways & reflections from the book, including:

·     Putting hospitality are the core of everything you do

·     Harnessing the power of ambitious goals

·     Embracing the fact that continual evolution is the ‘norm’ & you won’t always get it right

·     The important role people play in your success

·     How to leverage your past experiences as a real asset for your current & future business

Enjoy exploring this episode & please share your key actions from it too.

Useful links for you:

Get the book on Amazon here

Take the free Business Magic Scorecard here.

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