I truly believe that you need to get your MINDSET right for you to rapidly grow your business. Because without it sorted, it doesn't matter how clear your goals are or what strategies you follow, it will be like an unpleasant rollercoaster ride.

In today's episode we'll be chatting about how your mind is constantly operating on auto-pilot & how you are DELETING, DISTORTING & GENERALISING everything! This is based upon the powerful tools of Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP)

You'll get to see that your thinking, feelings & actions are all shaped by what's happening inside your head & your internal 'hard drive'.

I'll share ways that you can take back control & turn things around - using 4 steps:

1) Pay attention

2) Question them

~ 'Is that really true?'

~ 'How's that impacting me?'

~ 'What would I do if I didn't think that?'

~ 'What would I do if I knew I couldn't fail?'

~ 'When did I decide that?'

~ 'Seriously would I think, feel or do that - if I was to choose?'

3) Contradict them

4) Use your mind to your advantage

You can find the full show notes here: www.rapidtransformation.co.uk/1

Here's the links & resources for this episode:

* Take the FREE Business Growth Blocks Quiz here: www.rapidtransformation.co.uk/quiz

* Watch Mel Robbin's inspiring TEDx Talk about the 5 Second rule here: https://www.ted.com/talks/mel_robbins_how_to_stop_screwing_yourself_over