I’ve been eyeing up a new office chair for a while & finally went to order it …. to find that it’s got a delivery date of over a month now!

With us being so used to living in a world where we get things so fast, I was genuinely shocked & it feels like a lifetime away.

It can feel like that when it comes to growing your business too, right?

Like we want it all to have happened … like yesterday!

But patience can actually be a good thing.

Want to know a couple of things that can make you more patient in business & that I’m always sharing with my clients?

Tune into this week’s podcast episode & I’ll chat you through them.


Here’s the extra links & resources for this episode:

Take the free Get Out Your Way Quiz here.

Book in for a free virtual cuppa (15 mins) here.

* Discover which of the 8 Entrepreneurial Superpowers you have through the Wealth Dynamics Profile test here

* Want to find out about the next 90 day Mastermind?

* Connect with me on LinkedIn; Instagram & on my Facebook Page here. Or e-mail me at [email protected]

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