Do you ever feel like you’re constantly going on & on …. & talking about the same things in your business, over & over again, like all of the time?

So is that a good things or a not so good thing, when it comes to the content you are creating & sharing?

Well first of all … you do know you’re the only one who will likely see all of your content right?

Repetition is key … that’s why apparently you don’t get a six pack from going to the gym just once.

Not only can it help you to keep focused & stop jumping from launching one product or service, to only then abandon it because you’re off to launch something else next.

But it can also help your potential customers remember what you are all about, so when & if they need you, you will have stuck in their mind.

So in this week’s episode … which can you believe is number 127 … let’s talk about this even more together.

And think of it this way … did you have a shower or bath today? Even though you had one yesterday & the day before? Why do you keep doing that? Ahhh … yeah you get it now, right?

Rinse & repeat is a good thing for you & your business.

I’ll also share in the podcast, why this isn’t just important for potential new customers, but also key for your existing customers too!


Here’s the extra links & resources for this episode:

Take the free Get Out Your Way Quiz here.

Book in for a free virtual cuppa (15 mins) here.

* Discover which of the 8 Entrepreneurial Superpowers you have through the Wealth Dynamics Profile test here

* Want to find out about the next 90 day Mastermind?

* Connect with me on LinkedIn; Instagram & on my Facebook Page here. Or e-mail me at [email protected]

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