Full Show notes available at kitodelgado.com


Adam Badger owns and operates Badger Strength,  a personal training and corporate wellness community in Upstate NY.  Having been an entrepreneur for only 3 months,  Adam shares his perspective of going “all in” on yourself, why life experience trumps book knowledge, and how lessons learned in the gym can be applied to all facets of your life. 



Adam was laid off from his job-  He shares how he went from being unemployed to a full-time entrepreneur within two weeks. "I never collected an unemployment check." Don't choose a job just for the money.  Instead, choose passion over money and the money will follow. Stop saying "yeah, but" to your goals and aspirations.  Adam shares why employers should invest in a wellness program for their employees. Adam's advice to fence sitters, "don't sit around waiting for the perfect time to do it because it's never going to come." Life experience is our biggest teacher 4 tips for being productive everyday- wake up early, write down your daily goals, eat well, and set aside time for yourself. Your body and your mind is your biggest asset- "You're going all in on yourself, so why not take care of yourself?" Adam shares the biggest misconception of entrepreneurship- "it's not this utopia of freedom."

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