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As a Proud Dad, 2x Best-Selling Author, National Inspirational Speaker and Serial Entrepreneur, Castell J.R. Barnes takes pride in upholding his slogan “Prosper, The Elite Way,” through sonic relief and literary promise. With client work in 5 countries and all throughout the United States, Barnes looks to continue his entrepreneurial mission of innovation + financial empowerment + philanthropy! 



How losing his father at a young age and becoming a foster child has helped Castell prosper as an entrepreneur. "Entrepreneurship is not incorporating a business; its innovation."  Before starting a business, focus on your integrity and credibility.  Answer the question, "would a customer buy from me?"  Do you want to write a book in 2018?  Castell recommends writing a letter to yourself-  "Write the book to yourself." "There's nothing sexy about entrepreneurship except for the reward." Why Castell thinks entrepreneurs should date (be with) other entrepreneurs. The biggest similarities between fatherhood and entrepreneurship is consistency and doing things you don't always want to do. Castell's final nudge- "You're a walking miracle, so be one."