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Compete every day. That’s Jake Thompson’s guiding philosophy, the mantra he repeats to himself when he needs to keep going. It’s also the name of his global lifestyle brand (of which he is founder and Chief Encouragement Officer) and the nugget of wisdom he shares with audiences around the world.

Pulling from his unique professional career, Jake tells enlivened stories through his podcast, “Better Than Yesterday,” and distills the art of competition into actionable tips people can use within their own lives: take control, don’t let fear guide you, be courageous, and press onward.

His focus is to motivate you and your team to make it happen, whatever it is. Because life, work, and passion?

That’s always worth competing for.


1.   By telling your story, you provide hope and lend encouragement to someone who is struggling with a situation you've already overcome. 

2.   Jake uses the analogy of a sprinter running the 100 meter dash to emphasize the importance of not comparing yourself to others.  Sprinters don't look to their right, left, or behind during a race; doing so will only slow them down.  Instead, they look forward and focus on the finish line which allows them to reach optimal speed. We should focus on our own race and compete against our previous best.

3.  Jake's advice for entrepreneurs and start ups- "Start small!"  

4.  Avoid "Yes Men" and surround yourself with people that hold your feet to the fire.

5.  Jake starts every day with daily affirmations.  He constantly reminds himself that he has what it takes to accomplish his goals.  "If you're starting your day pouring into yourself, it only gives you more power to be able take on whatever sits before you in the day ahead."

6.  It's important for entrepreneurs to maintain balance.  "You gotta be able to take care of yourself to take care of others."