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Michael Skolnik was recently profiled in the NY Times and identified as "the man you go to if you want to leverage the power of celebrity and the reach of digital media to soften the ground for social change." But, besides all of that, he is most proud to be the father of Mateo Ali, a rambunctious four year old.

In his day job, he is the CEO of The Soze Agency, a social impact agency that partners with companies, non-profits, foundations and movements to create campaigns that uplift compassion, authenticity and equity. The Soze Agency is a worker’s owned


1.  Michael Shares why he decided to make Soze Agency a workers owned cooperation and reveals the steps they've taken to become a "triple bottom line" organization.


2.  As a straight, white man, Michael understands that he was born with white privilege.  Some choose to exploit their white privilege, while Michael decided at a young age to use his privilege for the greater good. 


3.  Michael almost lost his young son to a febrile seizure and highly recommends parents learn more about this condition.

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