The media calls him “Marathon Man” because of his astonishing accomplishments. Croix went from a non-runner to a Run Across America in just one year. The next year he broke the world record running 146 miles though Death Valley, the harshest and hottest environment on the planet.

 It’s not about the run or the world record. It is about what is you can accomplish when you own your greatness. Croix is an internationally celebrated author and inspirational speaker in the field of personal and business transformation and the psychology of success. 



Croix shares why he decided to run 100 marathons in 100 days Having a Plan B detracts you from executing on Plan B- Croix refused to get a second job while building up his business We are our own worst critics- Croix shares strategies for overcoming negative self talk The quote that kept Croix going -  "Croix, you can't quit"  It's important to take action that's in alignment with your goals The big secret to success - Consistent Action Croix booked a large speaking opportunity after the Vice President of a 10 billion company purchased a used copy of "Dream Big Act Big" at a church tag sale  Taking action requires laser focus-  Train your mind to do so Croix's definition of entrepreneurship- a combination of passion and impact "The lack of money is the root of all evil." Mentors help you reach your goals faster Some people are meant to be in your life for a season or a season- "it's about growing where they don't." You can't help those that don't want to to be helped Croix shares why he'd love to meet Nelson Mandela and reveals the one question he'd ask him "Grind it out until you get discovered"- Croix's advise to aspiring motivational speakers

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