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In this episode of Get Off My Lawn You Geeks Podcast (Twitter @GOMLYGPodcast) Lawn Party I sit down with Amanda Stawick (Instagram starprincess1988) Katie Kelly (Twitter @SuburbanMisfits) Jonathan Paiz (Twitter @Jonobie87) Rahul Kanojia (Twitter @PlatinumSpartan) & WE TALK ABOUT THE HOBBIT! With The Hobbit Desolation of Smaug out now we all just reflect back about our favorite moments and how much The world of Tolkien means to us. Hope you enjoy! Leave us a message, follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and Google +


From Left Amanda, Katie, Jonathan & Rahul

In this episode of Get Off My Lawn You Geeks Podcast (Twitter @GOMLYGPodcast) Lawn Party I sit down with Amanda Stawick (Instagram starprincess1988Katie Kelly (Twitter @SuburbanMisfitsJonathan Paiz (Twitter @Jonobie87) Rahul Kanojia (Twitter @PlatinumSpartan) & WE TALK ABOUT THE HOBBIT! With The Hobbit Desolation of Smaug out now we all just reflect back about our favorite moments and how much The world of Tolkien means to us. Hope you enjoy! Leave us a message, follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and Google +

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