Another Lawn Party episode! This time I sit down with Rahul Kanojia (Follow on Twitter @PlatinumSpartan) and Tyler Osborne (Send a Friend request at ) and you can only guess what we'll be talking about on this episode! You guessed right DOCTOR WHO! In this episode we talk about the upcoming episode, a new doctor, reflecting on the past doctors, gingers, female doctor?, and what Doctor Who means to us. Enjoy! Don't forget to tune in a couple of days after to get a GOMLYG Podcast recap!


On the left we have Tyler Osborne and on the right we have Rahul Kanojia


Another Lawn Party episode! This time I sit down with Rahul Kanojia (Follow on Twitter @PlatinumSpartan) and Tyler Osborne (Send a Friend request at ) and you can only guess what we'll be talking about on this episode! You guessed right! DOCTOR WHO! In this episode we talk about the upcoming episode, a new doctor, reflecting on the past doctors, gingers, female doctor?, and what Doctor Who means to us. Enjoy! Don't forget to tune in a couple of days after to get a GOMLYG Podcast recap!