Episode 5 of Get off My Lawn You Geeks! Podcast! Were you prepared for this crazy month of geekery!? So many things are happening everywhere you look. In theaters we have Thor, Hunger Games Catching Fire, and coming soon X-Men DOFP! On TV we have Doctor Who, Day Of the Doctor. As for the video game world we have the battle of the next gens! PS4 Xbox One. We try to cover it all with addition to our usual distractions. Get ready for another wonderful adventure with the cast of Get Off My Lawn You Geeks Podcast enjoy everyone!


Rahul on left as the Doctor, Amanda on right as Katniss Everdeen, and Jonathan on bottom as Wolverine

Episode 5 of Get off My Lawn You Geeks! Podcast! Were you prepared for this crazy month of geekery!? So many things are happening everywhere you look. In theaters we have Thor, Hunger Games Catching Fire, and coming soon X-Men DOFP! On TV we have Doctor Who, Day Of the Doctor. As for the video game world we have the battle of the next gens! PS4 Xbox One. We try to cover it all with addition to our usual distractions. Get ready for another wonderful adventure with the cast of Get Off My Lawn You Geeks Podcast enjoy everyone!