​​Queen Afua is a New York Times best selling author, holistic health practitioner and wellness coach and a pioneer in the green foods movement. She is the author of  5 best selling books, the creator of the Heal Thyself product line, Founder of Sacred Woman Rites of Passage Program and CEO of the Queen Afua Wellness Center.

She has devoted her life to fighting diseases by teaching people how to understand and utilize the power of food, self-care, and holistic healthy choices as an empowering lifestyle.

Queen Afua has inspired over 1,000,000 women, men and children throughout the United States, Canada, the Caribbean, Africa, and Europe with her workshops, books, products, and presentations.

Connect with Queen via the links below:

Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/queenafua/Website: https://www.queenafua.com/Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/queenafua/?hl=enBook: https://amzn.to/3sqvion


02:30 Healing is a daily practice 

05:57 Top 5 things to do to purify oneself

09:58 The challenge with family

12:04 Be patient with growth

15:04 Pray every day, all day long

18:03 Nourishment will help you heal

22:26 Learn how to reframe your situation

23:35 How do we end all suffering?

32:50 Allow the help to come through

35:09 Give yourself what you need

38:21 Dark periods are like messengers

44:04 Childbirth and learning how to listen

56:46 Be open like the water


10:37 Queen: "Stay in the spirit of gratitude. Because it will keep your heart light. Otherwise, you say, did you get this immediately when you heard it? How many people had to show you, how many workshops did you have to take before you got a deeper level? So be grateful that you have a family, some don't have families."

12:04 Queen: "Be patient with your growth, be patient with other people's growth. I would know because when I started this,  I wanted everybody to get it and I would Badger them into it. And I'd give them statistics and what are they doing with themselves? And I said I would have a heart attack trying to help people to heal."

17:51 Queen: "I found that all disease is two things: malnourishment and toxicity. So if you're depressed, you're malnourished. That's all. And so when you nourish yourself, then depression will leave. It's just the body is breaking down because you're not building it up."

22:24 Queen: "You're not limited to space. You are connected as you connect to your inner self, you connect to your outer self. This may be the best time for a retreat. People will say, 'I'm depressed because I just had a divorce. I said well don't say that word. Say, 'I'm going through a transformation now that I'm going through a divorce.'"

31:58 Queen: "It's a spiritual practice to listen, to get in tune. First, you got to get in tune. Like a whole instrument. That attunement is what impeccable listening will do.”

35:10 Queen: “You could ask at that moment, I am feeling in a state of despair. I am feeling empty. Because you have to be your own truth teller. I'm feeling lonely, whatever that is. And now ask, how do I overcome my loneliness? What do I need to do, to not feel afraid?”

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To hear more about Koya Webb and Get Loved Up episodes, please visit her website at https://koyawebb.com/.