Maximillian Alvarez is the editor-in-chief of the Real News Network and the host of the podcast ‘Working People’. He has a dual-PhD from the University of Michigan in history and comparative literature. Max’s writing has been featured in The New Republic, Current Affairs, Boston Review, The Nation, and the Los Angeles Review of Books.

In this episode, Max joins us to discuss how the financial ruin & hardship his family faced in the 2008 recession helped redirect his personal ideology. From growing up in a staunchly conservative household to evolving into a self-professed ‘left-wing nut job’, Max walks us through his journey. We also touch upon: the recent failed union organization attempt at the Amazon warehouse in Bessemer, Alabama, the forthcoming book Max is writing about working people’s struggles in the age of the pandemic, how literature provided him a path out of conservatism, how voters are forced to make important decisions based more on short-term survival than examining the issues, how Max used his podcast as an opportunity for his dad to find much-needed closure, and much, much more.

Music for this episode has been graciously provided by Jules Taylor. Jules is a singer-songwriter, record producer & multi-instrumentalist out of Saugerties, NY. Writer Paula Cummings of NYS Music describes Jules’s album ‘Mountain Time’ as, “the musical equivalent of the Great American Novel: a work that captures what it means to be human – the shortcomings and the triumphs, the heartaches and the joys.” Jules is also the producer of the ‘Working People’ podcast and the host of his own podcast, ‘No Easy Answers’.

‘Working People’ podcast
The Real News Network
Max’s interview with actor/activist Danny Glover

“Who Is Jules Taylor?”
‘No Easy Answers’ podcast
The album ‘Mountain Time’



Theme music - Terry Michellis via

A cappella vocals - Midori

Voice over announcer - Jimmy Lockett, Vox2Studio


***Any featured music used in this podcast is with the written permission of the recording artist. All theme music is used through a paid license.