A-B-C. A-always, B-be, C-closing. Always be closing! Always be closing!! A-I-D-A. Attention, interest, decision, action. Attention -- do I have your attention? Interest -- are you interested? I know you are.  You close or you hit the bricks! Decision -- have you made your decision? And action. A-I-D-A; get out there!! You got the prospects comin' in; you think they came in to get out of the rain? Guy doesn't walk on the lot unless he wants to buy. Sitting out there waiting to give you their money! Are you gonna take it? Are you man enough to take it?

So, do I have your ATTENTION!? If you are INTERESTED, make the DECISION to listen as Scott and I take ACTION about Closing the Deal on Episode 613 of the Winning at Selling podcast.