We can go BACK 2 BACK with that - Get In Da Corner 166

Happy birthday Santos and Luke! AAA EEE III EEYAAAARE you a homosexual?

GET READY for the first ever Vibrating Panties Telethon! Details cummin soon sluuuuuts!

So the Dumbasses, Dogga Baby and Yuk Nassty, learned you some new stuff this week. Let's see ummm, we now know we all the cats migrated north to Wisconsin from Mish's neighborhood. I think MadMex translated some spanish words into some really sick shit about fucking male dragons. OH YAH, them stupid FUnCKS found the perfect pair of buddy undies! They are great. You might want a pair. Check out the cover art!

We love you fuckers! Get Er Dumb with US LIVE every Wednesday night at 9 pm et / 6pm pt ONLY AT http://DaCorner.live and http://youtube.com/getindacorner

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