Published: 12 May, 2013
@_GinaTron - Stop what you are doing and Follow her NOw. One of the most talented writers today, Gina Tron wiped her heels off on the welcome mat and made herself at home In Da Corner. She is as goofy as us 2 dumbassess! We can't have a Corner episode without talking about eating people, lmaoo. This time it's McHuman's, where double knee burgers and the McBaby Rib sandwiches are available at all times of the year. We also talked about how much fun it is to fuck with people on Chat Roulette and 1997 AOL chat rooms.

Gina did go into depth about her article on how she was accused of trying to kill a bunch of kids back in high school. What a fucking bad ass! Weeellll, we love Gina Tron and think she will be one awesome person to party with, unless she shows up with a disco ball and a monkey!!
her vice article
She also writes for