Posted: Tue, 05 Apr 2016
Doggs and Yuk got NEW JOB! They get $.005 per fart noise that they match to famous people's laugh. What fart noise does your laugh sound like?

If you do not know by know that Doggs stutters and Yuk has a slurs, they remind you a lot in this show. Peter Peters from CSPAM interviews Dogger FROM PRISON and find out about his first intimate moment behind bars.
More stories from the planet Sluropathy. Supposedly, Dogga Baby think's he can take over Yuk Nassty's KingDUMB, by pretending he is the Culligan Man and supplying the slaves with better water than the swamp that drains out of Yuk's mouth.

Last but not least, We need to raise funds NOW to help our poor friend, MAD MEX, regain sight in both eyes, so everyone in his life stops disappearing on him, because they walked a little to the right.

Thank you again, to everyone who gets dumb with us!