Published: 05 Jul, 2013

One Day Dogger Baby was driving in his Mini Van. He saw a doughnut on the road, he said, I NEED THAT. He crashed his minivan into a tree and ran over there. The doughnut actually was a turd. HE DIDN'T CARE. Still ate it. Dogger didn't care. He ate shit! YAH HAY! - Green Bay now has No Dog Poop eating signs..

Nobody fucks you like I do BRO! And no one ever will! Just use the New product at NardsMay, the aids wiper offer 2000. It's like the ShamWOW!!! Doggs and Yuk have been selling salmonella loads on ebay, ever since Jayarr gave them the his chicken diseases. WEENER came through with presents, lint brushes for Yuk Nassty and doughnuts and swiss rolls for the fat kid. Even though, they still picked on him all night. WE LOVE @DaKingWeener!

Half way through, they podcrashed Tator Thoughts podcast with D Bo and Jill Himitsu. Dogga got naked. That is your warning..

PLEASE, EVERYONE, support the show and CAT FISH @DaKingWeener! But, be a little nice to him, he is a sensitive stripper lover.

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