Happy Birthday Corner. We never did find out if Da Corner was a man or a woman. But, I bet Weener will be able to tell us cuz his drunk ass was down here naked this morning!heehee But, any who, We Made IT! Now Yuk and Dogger can legally drink and podcast. What did you get yourself into?!?!?!

You will find out about Yuk and Dogger's Day Care center, for ONLY 19.95 your child will leave here knowing how to take a punch to the face. @DoggaBaby apologizes for the crabs. ALSO!! The best part! Jill comes home and cracks the whip! Holy shit, when she said, and I mean she sounded like a demon hell woman when she yelled at @DHimitsu "MOMMAS HOME NOW!!" D Bo did the best thing in that situation, hung up the phone quick! lmaoooo She put his ass #InDaCorner!!

Thank you to @DaCuckoosNest (Randle MccccccMurphy) DaCuckoosNest.com
Thank you to @Kern_Michael (Kerndizzzel NOT VERN u assholes)
Thank You to @DHimitsu & @JillHimitsu (D BO) THIS motherfucker.. hahahahhah

another very stupid stupid show