Dr. Marissa works her BS calling with William who is releasing his identity as a stress eater and just changing his habits which keep him in his head battling his Critic and his Brat.  His impending move from Michigan to Las Vegas goes from impending doom to limitless possibilities. Dr. Marissa takes a break and invites her friends Mark Hattas and Dave Austin to talk about mental illness, and the upcoming event of Hope on Soldier's Field in Chicago celebrating collaboration support and healing from diagnoses.  Mark gets Dr. Marissa's Beneficial Presence on the Planet Award for going from a tech millionaire to institutionalization to helping recovery and healing for the 1 in 4 Americans who have mental illness.  www.JourneysDream.org to be an important sponsor.  Dr. Marissa starts the show with a Shea Shea for her almost 100,000 YouTube views and a birthday song for her daughter who is officially exiting the teenage years!  Episode sponsored by www.Jazztrax.com with the Asian Oprah giveaway of the Second Sunday pass AND the Cypress car spa in Cerritos CA where you get four dollars off any wash and up to 40$ on any detail by mentioning Dr. Marissa.