Happy Halloween my spooky listeners! After realizing just a few hours before recording that we’re dropping the episode on Halloween, we hurriedly cobbled together our lists of Top 5 Spookiest Games. We didn’t really hit the news topics, but you’ll still find some links below.

This week in game releases

Nov 1 - TuesdayBlaz Blue: Central FictionOwlboyNov 4 - FridayMario Party Star Rush - 3DSCoD: Infinite Warfare
 Pokemon releases what we hope is the final trailer for Pokemon Sun & Moon, showing off the final evolutions of the starters, leading to relief and surprises.We also get a peek at some new legendaries. Remember to download your free demo!Hello Games, makers of No Man’s Sky, were either hacked or the victim of some disgruntled employee(s). Either way, they tweeted “No Man’s Sky was a mistake”, then turned their Twitter to Private. We’ll see if there’s anything solid to the story before next week.Please check out our partner podcasts:Nerd Porn PodcastPop Culture LeftoversComic SlobsFriday Night Fandom, and Scene-It Cast

Intro and Outro credit: 
“La La Triroriro” By Rolemusic (freemusicarchive.org)
Licensed under Creative Commons: Attribution 4.0