This week, the LA Times’ Tyler Chatham, from the LA Times, joins the guys on an adventure through the world of Chinese Knock-off League of Legends, a PS4 update for literally no one, and the death throes of a game developer so bad they make David Cage look like Shigeru Miyamoto.

Digital Homicide commits virtual suicide when they pull 100 Steam users and Valve itself to court.In other Steam news, Steam has adjusted their changes to the review system. Meanwhile, base PS4s got HDR support. The only problem being that HDR doesn’t really exist outside 4K and game devs were surprised by the HDR announcement. So, while the base PS4 can now push HDR, there are no movies, streams, or games that currently support it.


Intro and Outro credit: 
“La La Triroriro” By Rolemusic (
Licensed under Creative Commons: Attribution 4.0