Episode 49 - Pokemon S.T.A.R.S.

Another week, another episode. Hello and welcome to Get Good, where even on the slow weeks we can fill 2 hours of air. Tyler’s back again to bring us the latest on his Gears of War obsession, while Ryan tortures Nick with tales of absurd ARGs. Pokemon is also out finally, but we’ll be back next week with our impressions.  

This week in game releases:

TuesdayTelltale Batman Episode 4Amnesia CollectionDarksiders: Warmastered EditionDragon Ball Fusions
 ARGs. Usually long. Usually not worth it. Somehow continue to be used. Long running ARG for Frog Fractions 2 has been found to be linked with almost as long Eye Sigil ARG, leading to disappointment for the Eye Sigil hunters, and elation for the Frog Fraction folks. Where does it go from here? Sadness probably. Speaking of let down mysteries, the Chilead Mystery in GTA V may have been nothing more than a summary of the single player story.As we remarked on last week, Assassin’s Creed 2 trilogy got a remaster for modern consoles. At the time, we thought it looked amazing. Unfortunately, as is par for the Assassin’s Course, it is plagued with bugs galore.Coming soon to Apple devices (and presumably Android soon after), Super Mario Run! Free demo will be available along side the full game for $9.99For the most part, Pokemon games come in threes. The first two release together, and the third follows along as a mix of the originals. Well, the trend may continue this generation with Sun and Moon being followed up by Stars. Not only that, but it will be on the Switch, making it the first mainline Pokemon game on home console.

Please check out our partner podcasts:
Nerd Porn PodcastPop Culture LeftoversComic SlobsFriday Night Fandom, and Scene-It Cast

Intro and Outro credit: 
“La La Triroriro” By Rolemusic (freemusicarchive.org)
Licensed under Creative Commons: Attribution 4.0