What does it take to manage customer service? Why is customer service more important now than ever before? And finally, what are the best ways to ensure that you, too, can provide world-class customer service? Let’s dive right in…


⭐ During this episode, we detail these takeaways:

 1. It’s hard to maintain superiority in products/services indefinitely and, whenever your competitors offer comparable benefits-and-costs, customers will rely upon other factors to make purchasing decisions, such as how well they know and like and trust you, plus how well you treat them.

 2. Customer service is vital in encouraging customer loyalty, along with positive reviews, which are the most powerful form of marketing—and customer-centered businesses tend to thrive.

 3. Service starts with actively nurturing love for our neighbors as ourselves, which naturally leads us to act in accordance with the Golden Rule by seeking mutually-beneficial business relationships, and it also starts with us and then works outward through our organizational structure.

 4. Customer service is mostly an operations job not a sales job (although it may benefit from some salesmanship), and it should remain part of everyone’s job even if dedicated specialists are hired to oversee it.

 5. Customer service improves whenever it’s measured, including through brief customer-satisfaction surveys.

 6. Customer service generally involves setting proper expectations, communicating effectively (which may involve audio or visual communication), and proactively resolving concerns with empathy—and empathy is facilitated by avoiding presumptions, listening well to understand, and maintaining a positive attitude despite challenges.

 7. Customer service in crowdfunding involves effective use of welcomes, updates, comments, surveys, and farewells.

✍️ Click here for this episode’s complete show notes!


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