In this episode, we are bringing you Zach’s special interview by Carson Jorgensen in his pretty-famous podcast “The Definition of Success.” Carson and Zach discuss quite a few things that are a little bit different than what we normally talk about in our podcast—they talk about business, life, happiness, and (probably most importantly) the whole idea of self-awareness. Let’s get started…


⭐ During this episode, we detail these takeaways:

 1. We should develop self-awareness about who we are, what we can already do well, what we need to improve, and what we want to become, all of which will facilitate both our success and our happiness.

 2. Self-awareness is aided by feedback from others; we should humbly accept such feedback to the extent that it helps us to progress, but also refrain from worrying excessively about what others think about us such that it impedes our progress.

 3. We should focus our attention NOT on what we either can’t or shouldn’t control, but on what we can control, learning to control it well, which will facilitate our freedom in various respects, along with our happiness.

 4. We should genuinely be ourselves, but also persistently strive to become our best selves.

 5. We should focus not on tearing ourselves down but on building ourselves up in all of the various aspects of our lives, which involves maintaining our motivation while focusing persistently upon improving one important thing at a time, measuring our progress until we’ve mastered it.

 6. We should maintain a connection with our past selves, maintain empathy for other people, seek mutually-beneficial relationships with them, and remember that freely doing nice things for them might encourage them to do likewise for us.

 7. We should evaluate our potential business partners very carefully, and wisely delegate business responsibilities to specialists.

✍️ Click here for this episode’s complete show notes!


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