In this episode, we’re going to get a little bit deeper into pre-launch. There’s no one in the entire rewards-based crowdfunding space who has generated more e-mailing addresses and more interest for new inventions and businesses than our very own Director of Lead-Generation & Affiliate Marketing at Funded Today, Mr. Tevin Christopher.


⭐ During this episode, we detail these takeaways:

 1. College isn’t essential to either learn or prosper.

 2. Crowdfunding success isn’t about either chance or “magic,” but about adhering to fundamental business principles, including in pre-launch phase—and it’s ideal to be first to enter a market, but only if you come sufficiently prepared.

 3. Kickstarter campaigns should launch with a thorough prototype section, with funding goals that are not only high enough to seem legitimate but also low enough to avoid daunting people, and with support from Google Analytics to effectively analyze marketing data.

 4. It helps to engage in pre-launch marketing among both personal contacts and generated leads (obtained through social-media ads), who can not only provide useful feedback to creators but also help creators to reach their respective funding goals as quickly as possible, which is a great advantage.

 5. Leads may be e-mailed 24 hours before a campaign launches to prepare them, during launch to mobilize them to pledge, 24 hours after launch to report progress, weekly thereafter, daily again during a campaign’s final 3 days, and then weekly or monthly afterward as long as those leads continue to yield revenue.

 6. Affiliates include backers who get paid a small cut for bringing pledges to campaigns, whether from themselves or from others, which contribute to a campaign’s success.

 7. Influencers can also help (although not usually as significantly), especially those with sizable audiences that sufficiently fit one’s product—and they are best arranged in advance so that they enjoy ample time to receive a product and review it.

✍️ Click here for this episode’s complete show notes!


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