(Kenny's out of action this week due to internet problems, so enjoy a cheeky look at the girls so far after Week 3!)

Another week, another firing from Evolve. This time it
was anonymous Sophie who walked the plank from Apprenticeland into the sea of
crushed dreams and real life again.

Let’s be frank, Sophie’s firing has been coming from
first episode. When she was dragged in for being nigh on anonymous and not
selling very well, it was clear she was on Lord Sugar’s watch list. To be fair,
the sheer ineptitude of Jaz in week one was far worse and she didn’t do
anything bad but her constant repetition in the boardroom of “I don’t this, I
don’t do that” made you wonder “Well what are you good for then? Get off!”

Similarly, Tim’s ineptitude could have been considered
grounds to be fired but when Francesca was dull to the extent that basic maths
are not her forte and cost the team money, it’s hard to ignore in the opening
weeks when all you need is good old fashioned common sense.

There’s a core problem in the girls’ lineup – most of
them are not good enough. Uzma just keeps passing on blame even when she can
legit claim she’s not at fault for task failure. Surely admittance would be a
step forward after showing ability – it has saved people in the boardroom
before. They also gaggle round and talk all over each other like hens, trying
to get their voices heard. Now, that’s not to say the boys haven’t done it but
the girls do it constantly and it’s bloody annoying.

They’re also a bunch of yes women. Not once did they pipe
up about Natalie in boardroom before the results were delivered this week. Of course,
there is the fear that they’ll be on her bad side if they do lose but then they
look worse off. As Kenny said, when the opening came as they were pretty much
allowed to speak, they talked over one another again. With exactly the same
thing. Poor and spineless.

There are some gems though can still shine. Natalie is
proving to be a more than capable sales pro. She even outsold all of Endeavour
in week 2. Her attitude could be her failing as hinted same week but Lord Sugar
was quick to get her advice about the task in the boardroom. To me, if she
keeps going the way she is, she should be fine to get to the interview stage at

Joking aside about her whoring herself out on tasks,
Luisa is showing some skill. Perhaps a chance to shine would convince me she’s
good enough. I’m still impressed by Leah. Not outstanding or anything but
definitely has an unexpected quality we would not expect from her doctor’s

It’s been a godawful start from the girls in this series
but there’s enough there to suggest all is not lost. They better get their act
together soon enough otherwise it’ll be a slippery slide. Will it get to 4 or 5
out from Evolve and the girl’s side? It could still happen…
