Next Episode: "Getting To Know You"


Welcome to this wee ‘about us’ introduction to the Get
Fired! Podcast, a Podcast where two lads critique the weird and wonderful slice
of television called The Apprentice!

I’m Terry. I bloody love The Apprentice. I’ve dipped in
and out of it once or twice but I keep coming back, mainly for the ridiculous
fame hungry whoreness the show has devolved into.

I remember the first couple of series being an engaging
look into what people would do to win a contract with Lord Sugar with
reasonable business prospects. Looking at what we have here this year in Series
9, we have madcap fame hungry idiots who use buzzwords and think they know what
they’re on about before failing spectacularly in a car crash of common sense
usually on tasks.

But all the same, it’s still nice for some familiarity in
this crazy world so bring on Lord Alan, Nick and Karen and all the various
madcap tasks our various idiots will fail miserably at. Of course it’s all a
show of our entertainment, no more no less.

Me and my fellow BFF Kenny will be going over the
candidates week to week, how they’re getting on, their tasks etc., was the
firing right? – All good stuff for your ears to listen to as we go through the

You can follow the podcast on Twitter @apprenticefired
and me and Kenny are at @thatterrylewis and @Forestboyuk respectively if you
want to bash our eyes with your views.

Of course you can email us too at [email protected] to
send us your views and fun stuff and the like.

We’ve also got a wee little Facebook page up and running
too, just search “Get Fired An Apprentice Podcast” on that.

Hope you enjoy!


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