How do you cope with stress in the workplace?  Do you ever feel like your stress is managing you rather than the other way around? 

​We came across a wonderful sketchnote by Dr Hayley Lewis and knew we had to get her back for a chat on Get Amplified to delve into this some more.​

​Stress can affect all of us at different times. Hayley is quick to point out that not all stress is bad and that we should recognise sometimes it is good - it gives us adrenaline when we need it.​

​There isn't one size fits all when it comes to stress. Hayley highlights how we need to understand the root causes and to put interventions in place when needed. ​

One of the differentiators in high performance teams is that team members really know each other and have found ways to complement and compromise with each other.​

If you do nothing else, be curious about your colleagues and your team. Ask questions – people don't have to share if they don't want to, but if someone knows you care, that means something. As human beings we are geared towards human connection and belonging. ​

Hayley leaves us with these key takeaways:​​

Stress is nothing to feel ashamed of. It shows you are human.​Reach out for help that feels safe to you. Might be a manager, coach, mentor, friend, colleague. ‘a problem shared is a problem halved. Get it out of your head.​Look for the root causes. Don’t deal with the symptoms. Put in interventions that deal with that.​

Hayley references some great tools and information which we will share in an upcoming blog.​

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