Ever wondered what propels a high-performance team? Vic is on this special Amplified only podcast, with co-host Pippa Hutchinson to give you an insider's view.  

We dig deep into the dynamics of highly productive teams, who are not just aligned and collaborative, but also exhibit a strong sense of belonging. 

If you’re struggling with team productivity,  being asked to do more with less or even flat headcount.  Then we have some answers.

 We explore how the tech industry measures speed of execution, the new metric for  differentiation and introduce you to a tool that's revolutionizing team dynamics: the Speed Check.

This tool measures your team's execution prowess across four key pillars: purpose, trust, clarity, and simplicity. We also dissect common red flags like high clarity and low trust, and the deceptive phenomenon of artificial harmony. Prepare to shift your perspective as we underscore the importance of simplicity as a mindset and the power of every voice being heard. Buckle up for an enlightening ride into the heart of team performance.

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