You might not know the name Roger Sali, but after this episode, you most definitely won't forget it. Roger lives in Uganda and took to caddying when his father passed away and the family needed extra income. Starting in 2020, Roger fell desperately in love with the game and wanted to share it with as many people as possible, so Roger has been going to schools and areas of Africa to share the sport with whoever will listen. It's an incredible story from an amazing person who you should be following on Instagram at @saligolfs.

Thanks to Roger for taking the time to chat. 

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You might not know the name Roger Sali, but after this episode, you most definitely won't forget it. Roger lives in Uganda and took to caddying when his father passed away and the family needed extra income. Starting in 2020, Roger fell desperately in love with the game and wanted to share it with as many people as possible, so Roger has been going to schools and areas of Africa to share the sport with whoever will listen. It's an incredible story from an amazing person who you should be following on Instagram at @saligolfs.

Thanks to Roger for taking the time to chat. 


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