LED’s do burn out. With presence in 16 cities, there’s a good chance Rob Jensen and Voss lighting will be able to help you out. Rob started at Voss in 1985 and in 2017, they made him President. Rob sees the first generation of LEDs burning out and, as he tells Michael and Greg, there is a LOT of fixture replacement business out there. Sidebar: Did you know that BR did not originally stand for Bulge Reflector. It originated from the manufacturer, the B…. well, you’ll have to listen to this episode to find out. Voss Lighting is a lighting, design and services focused company started in 1939 by Henry Voss in Lincoln Nebraska, when lighting specialists were a rarity in the industry. It is primarily in the central part of the U.S. from Minnesota to Texas and branching out to the Southwest and Southeast parts of the U.S. Rob started with Voss Lighting at the opening of the Dallas branch in 1985 and lived there for 5 years before moving back and taking on the role of vendor relations - negotiating annual programs, handling products and pricing. His role was primarily in this arena, while also learning all facets of the business. He moved on the management team, becoming VP of products, pricing and purchasing before becoming the President of Voss Lighting. Watch out for Rob on the cover of the Fall edition of Today's Lighting Distributor.