Lighting geeks and lighting nerds, are you ready to hear from the expert?

In this episode of Get A Grip On Lighting Podcast, Greg and Michael talk to Ellis Yan, the founder and CEO of TCP International Holdings Ltd. to speak about the current developments and challenges in the lighting industry.

TCP is one of the big companies that manufacture light bulbs. Ellis has always been welcoming with emerging techs and innovations. Learn from Ellis himself how TCP managed to stay strong during the transitioning period of CFLs to LEDs and still remain persistent in educating and providing the people with the best quality lighting available out there. He also shares how they manage to be competitive in the lighting market and be one of the top providers of LED.

Michael, Greg, and Ellis also talk about the pressing issues right now – from the US-China trade war to consolidations to automation. Ellis has some interesting forecasts and insights about the future of the lighting industry so make sure to listen in.