It isn’t solely about illumination now. The lighting industry is gradually integrating new techs and going beyond its initial standard functions. So, how are the companies keeping up?

Today on the Get A Grip On Lighting Podcast, Michael and Greg talk to Randy Reid, the Editor for Edison Report, about the pressing issue of how lighting companies are handling disruptive innovations like AI controls, LiFi, etc. They emphasize that there’s a noted increase of consolidation activity of companies in the past years.

Michael, Greg, and Randy also talk about the issues that are still being faced despite the astonishing developments. As they foresee, the future for the lighting industry is quite promising for those who continue to learn and provide value to their customers. Learn also great tips on what you should be looking for when contacting your lighting providers. Lighting is not one-size-fits-all. Remember that you can customize it based on your needs and liking.