2023.09.22 – 0995 – The Diction-ary of Voice – R – Part 1


Rate – the speed of someone speaking or reading

Rate – the amount paid to a voice-over for a day, hour or script

Raw audio - unprocessed recorded audio

Read (or ‘take’) – a recording of a script (or the ‘copy’)

Reaper – a DAW

Red-line the meters – to push the audio volume level to the maximum

Render – saving and/or converting your audio so others can access it

Residuals – payment over and above the initial payment, based on the number of times a commercial is run

Resonance – a full-bodied voice (not necessarily a deeper voice), achieved through the sound of one’s voice vibrating in different parts of the body such as the mouth, throat, nose (sinus) and chest areas – collectively known as ‘resonating chambers’

Resonant cavities – the parts of the body which enhance sound and in which resonance develops.

Ribbon microphone – the mic type which picks up sound by the use of thin (ribbon-like) metallic elements, suspended between magnets. These vibrate when sound is detected, and converts it into electrical energy

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